Has anyone had to go to an optometrist/opthalmologist (sp?) in town recently to get new contact lenses? I'm looking for recommendations for a good eye doctor who charges reasonable prices for contacts. Also, does anyone know how U of T insurance covers costs for contacts and such? I thought I heard that our student insurance does cover costs
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2. I never said Bocelli is without talent, I merely said I thought he is not as talented as others with whom he is compared. Also, see above regarding the blindness factor. As a blind person myself, I find it deeply offensive that, in my opinion, Bocelli's blindness is highlighted and commented on so frequently. I'm not saying he got famous because he is blind, but I don't like how they have emphasized this fact in marketing him. It doesn't matter whether he is blind or not; all that should matter is whether he can sing.
3. Do you not understand that taste in music is completely subjective? Each person's ear hears something different. If we all liked the same things the world would be a very boring place.
4. Please don't tell me I'm deaf and I don't know what I'm talking about; I have a music degree, 25 years of choral experience, and 15 of private vocal instruction. Just because I don't happen to share you taste in music does not negate my musical knowledge.
5. Do you have nothing better to do with your time than troll Livejournal looking for random journals to be rude on just because people state an opinion contrary to your own? Very mature.
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