Oct 28, 2005 15:14
So October has been progressing normally. Have begun to read again, slowly, ignoring the guilt I feel for not spending the time doing school work. This is also partly due to my obsession with the U of T college book sales (though I think they're done for now? I've already given my money to Trin, Vic and UC) where I can't help but spend an hour browsing for cheap, used books (Medieval/Renaissance history, women's studies and fiction). It's important to do other things than school reading, right! I'll try and cut down my internet surfing time as well, as that wastes the most time of all. I also have the second series of The Office (UK) to get through. Finished an historical fiction book last weekend (The Dark Queen by Susan Carroll) and have started Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth.
Getting into my third year, I'm struck almost daily by how similar university students are. Last year I was often either down Spadina at New College for my women's studies classes, or going down Bloor W to Vic, where my history/archaeology classes were. I wasn't very often in the core of campus. But now all of my classes are in Sid Smith (except cultural anthro, which is over at MedSci) and I'm constantly walking the same path, down Huron or St. George. And everyone is talking on a cellphone, listening to an iPod, drinking a Second Cup/Starbucks beverage and/or smoking. I almost laugh because I see it so often. Everyone dresses the same, acts the same, talks about the same thing. Now I'm not trying to raise myself morally over everyone else (I do purchase the occasional Second Cup coffee) since I'm sure most of you know that I absolutely hate when people think they're better than others because they don't smoke, do drugs, etc etc. I hardly think I'm much different than other students. I just wish we (see? I'm including myself in here) weren't such a predictable group.
Since I last wrote: I am now in the midst of training to be a volunteer at the ROM. I feel only good things can come from this, such as volunteer experience for the ol' CV and having a link with a classy museum, a good thing for a history student. I have also joined the (very small, very casual) Renaissance Students Association, and share the job of googling Renaissance events around T.O. I have yet to find some.
Had a lovely cake date with friends yesterday, which left me thinking two things. First, why don't we hang out as a group more often? Seems school work, jobs, and living in the suburbs always gets in the way. This definitely needs to be remedied. I miss seeing people! (Not that we don't have a fab time together, Mike) Second, it's nice to vent when people agree you're not completely crazy.
My room is cold and I all I want to do is huddle in my warm small bed and think of snow and hot chocolate and fleecy sheets and hope everything will be okay.