I'm bored

Jan 12, 2006 12:08

××××××××c r y i n g section.××××××××

when was the last time you really cried your heart out? 3 weeks ago
ever cried yourself to sleep?: awhile ago
ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: I don't cry infront of my friends
ever cried over the opposite sex? umm..nope
do you cry when you get an injury?: whichi injury?
do certain songs make you cry?: a few have

××××××××h a p p y section.××××××××

are you normally a happy person?: im always happy. Even when I'm mad.
what can make you happy?: chocolate makes me happy. also working out. My friends and family make me happy.
do you wish you were happier:I'm really already to happy
can music make you happy?: oh yeah

l×××××××× o v e section.××××××××

how many times have you had your heart broken?: once. and it wasn't even over a guy.
Do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others? nooo
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: yea and I would still
Did you ever love a guy/girl, tell them that, and only got 'thanks'?: nope
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?:yahhhh

××××××××h a t e section.××××××××

who do you actually hate?: this is aa really hard question
ever made a hit list?: haha...but no
are you a mean bully?: oh yes...I'm a badass
do you hate any one that breaks your heart?:nooo

××××××××s e l f - e s t e e m×××××××× section.

is your self-esteem extremely low?: not really
do you believe in yourself?: 95% of the time
when people say they think you are pretty, do you deny you are?: I just smile and say thank you
are you happy with who you are?: I have no complaints
do you wish you can be someone else?: noo

××××××××I HAVE::××××××××

[ ] done crack.
[ ] done opium.
[ ] done PCP.
[ ] huffed air-duster.
[ x] been to a rave.
[ x] ridden in a taxi.
[ x ] jumped a ramp with a bike.
[ ] been dumped.
[ x ] been used.
[ ] ran from the cops.
[ x ] been in a room of your school that you could get suspended for being in
[ ] been fired
[ ] been kicked out of a movie theater.
[ x ]snuck into a movie.
[ ] been in a fist fight.
[ x] got hit by a car.
[ x] fired a real gun
[ ] been arrested.
[ x ] gone in a mosh pit.
[ x ] stolen something from your school.
[ ] Celebrated new years in times square.
[ ] Gone on a blind date.
[ x ] lied to a friend.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[ ] been to europe.
[ ] been to australia
[ x ] been to hawaii
[ x ] skipped school.
[ x ] thrown up from drinking.
[ x ] had a sleepover party.
[ x ] gone ice skating.
[ x ]been cheated on.

××××××××Do you...××××××××

[x] feel loved.
[ ] feel lonely.
[x] feel happy.
[ ] hate yourself.
[x] have a dog.
[x] have your own room.
[x] sing along with your music.
[x] dance around the house in your underwear.
[ ] listen to underground hip hop.
[x] listen to rap.
[x] listen to country.
[x]listen to reggae.
[x] have more than 1 best friend.
[ ] get good grades.
[x] play an instrument.
[x] have slippers
[x] wear boxers
[x] wear black eyeliner.
[x] like the color blue.
[ ] like the color pink.
[x] like the color black
[ ] like the color purple
[x] like neon colors
[x] like to read..
[x] have long hair.
[ ] have medium length hair.
[ ] have short hair.
[x] have a laptop.
[x] have a cellphone

××××××××Are you...××××××××

[x] bored.
[x] happy.
[ ] sad
[ ] Hawaiian.
[x] blonde
[ ] brunette
[ ] a redhead
[ ] Samoan.
[ ] Korean.
[ ] French
[x] Caucasian.
[x] Italian
[ ] Black
[ ] Mexican.
[ ] Indian!
[x] a Christian
[ ] a Muslim
[x] a Catholic
[ ] a Hindu
[ ] a scientologist
[ ] an agnostic
[ ] satanist
[ ] a Athiest
[ ] short.
[ ] tall
[x] just right
[x] realistic
[ ] an emotional kid
[x] lazy.
[ ] scared to die.
[ ] buzzed.
[ ] high
[x] caffeinated
[x] sleepy.
[x] annoyed.
[ ] on the phone.
[x] drinking something.
[x] eating something.
[x] ticklish
[x] listening to music

××××××LOOK AT ME××××
What is your current hair color? golden blonde
What color are your eyes? hazel m ost of the time
Current Piercings?: none
Long or short hair: long
raight or Curly?: straight
How tall are you?: 5'5
Whats your shoe size?: 8


x shorts/pants/ are you wearing?: jeans
x Bracelets?: yes

××××××××THIS OR THAT××××××××

Rock or Rap: rock
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: Coffee
Baseball or Softball: softball
Wild Night out or Romantic Night in: Romantic
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car: sports car
Bracelet or Necklace: bracelet
History or Science: HIstory
Sleep in or Early to rise: Early rise to go the beach but otherwise sleep in
Beach or Boardwalk: beach
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: both
Night Or Day: Night
High School or College: College
White or Black: Black(white gets dirty to easy)
love or fun: love
California or Florida:I prefer California
Love at first sight or Learn to Love: Learn to love
Babe or Baby:"Baby"

××××××××HAVE YOU EVER××××××××

Kissed the same Sex?: no
Hugged someone?: yeayuh
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: heh.chyya
Put a song on repeat for more than an hour?: nooo
Mooned anyone?: chyyyaa
Laughed so hard you pissed in your pants?: no
Got in a fight with someone (not including siblings)?:probally...but it was probally verbal middle school crap

××××××××THE LAST××××××××

person you talked to online?: I don't really go online anymore
person you talked to on the phone?: Christopher
drink?: Diet Coke
laugh?: this morning
last time you had a shower?: last night


Do you like surveys:they help pass the time
What kind of shampoo do you use? Aussie or John Freda(Blonde)
Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years? I'm more excited than scared
You get along with your parents? most of the time
Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?:what kid hasn't


-Current Music: The Specials
-Current Taste: Turkey gravy
-Current Hair: Ponytail
-Current Annoyance: my friend, no one in particular, treating me like shit
-Current Longing: to graduate high school already
-Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing: peeing
-Current Windows Open: Livejournal -Current desktop picture?: a girl duckdiving a wave
-Current CD In Stereo: it has 6 C,D,;s in it; The End is Here, The End is Near, God only knows, Salvador, The Revenge of the OC Spurperstones, and somethng else
-Current Video In VCR: what the heck is a VCR?
-Current DVD in DVD player: StarWars
-Current Worry: if I passed my mid term
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