Jan 06, 2007 23:36
Your Wizard Rock Update.
Okay, for Christmas I got the Harry and the Potters two vinyl records, which, of course, now I have to find something to play them on. And I got the debut CD from Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls. Oliver, etc. is an odd duck in Wizard Rock because the guy is apparently a professional musician, as opposed to everyone else doing Wizard Rock who are all various stages of amateur, not to mention most of them are teenagers.
But I digress. "Olilver" vaguely annoys me because he has just enough ego to jar --on the cover of his CD it says Welcome to Wizard Rock, as if he invented it or something, instead of just jumping on the bandwagon. His sound is the most professional in the genre. Anyway, on the back of the CD there is the Hufflepuff icon, and it occurs to me that this is a perfect representation of his music. It's mellow stuff, and not a wrong note anywhere. It is not on the edge of anything. Now, I actually like most of the album, my favorite being "The Boy Who Lived," but none of it am I ravingly in love with, as I am with most of Harry and the Potters stuff and half of Draco and the Malfoys songs. I found that I can actually write while this CD is playing. Mostly if I love a bit of music, I can't do anything else but listen to it while it is on, because it grabs my brain. But this album is total elevator music. But then, it isn't so bad to have something to listen to while typing.
Anyway, my conclusion is, I should have bought the debut CD by the Parselmouths (Speaking Snake Since 2004). Both groups are on MySpace if you are interested in the comparsion, and if the Parselmouths Christmas song is still up you should go listen to it as I think it is their best one.
The very best Wizard Rock of 2006 included a version of "Save Ginny Weasley" by Harry and the Potters done by someone's large a capella (sp?) choir (HOW did they talk the choir director INTO that?) which was only up for a week and was totally kick ass. And Funny. Harry and the Potters "Let's Drink to Aragog," which is partially responsible for the spider in the fic I just posted, and the new version of "Save Ginny Weasley from Dean Thomas" by H&tP where Joe (who is 19 and does look very much like Harry Potter) shows us some mad saxaphone playing skillz. Although I am equally fond of the one with the keyboard, too.
There now, I will try to not bother you about wizard rock again for months.