Круиз - День 4 - Сидней и носороги

May 01, 2014 23:56

На следующий день мы с Юрой проснулись с утра пораньше (точнее, я проснулась, а Юра проснулся от моей бурной деятельности) и отправились на пробежку - в сумме получилось около 8 км, вокруг Оперы и обратно. Не буду вас пугать нашими физкультдостижениями, а начну повествование с завтрака - часам к 8 мы уже привели себя в порядок и вытащили детей из кроватей:

Зеленых яблок в тот день не давали, пришлось взять красное:)

А потом мы пошли по тропе носорогов - до 28 апреля 2014 года по Сиднею и некоторым другим городам Нового Южного Уэльса вольготно расположились 150 носорогов оригинальных раскрасок (помню, в Москве такое проделали в коровами), каждый несет в себе определенное послание и в общем и целом этот проект призван защищать носорогов в живой природе и собрать средства на их изучения и опеку, 45 их 150 носорогов по окончании выставки будут проданы в благотворительных целях. Ну а мы с утра вооружились картой расположения этих самых предметов искусства в Сиднее и отправились на фотоохоту.

Первый носорог встретился нам неподалеку от корабля, на набережной:

У каждого носорога есть порядковый номер, название и "послание народу". Этот большой, например, №25, Rhino Survival, "No Rhinos will survive unless we look after them." И с ним малыш #57, Golden Baby. The Golden rhino is to signify the importance of these precious and magnificant creatures and we why have to do everything we can to preserve them.

На заднем фоне - оригинальный ресторанчик с корабельными мачтами в качестве декора:

Как полагается, есть специальный app, который мы скачали, и дети с удовольствием сканировали QR коды на постаментах для нашей домашней коллекции.

Дальше в районе Рокс нам встретился №26, Galactic Rhinо. This design is meant to convey the beautiful and the unknown through the imagery of deep space. The Rhino is truly awesome like all of earth's creatures and if we let it disappear it will lamentably fade into the unknown. На заднем фоне оркестр служителей порядка готовится к выступлению:

Идем дальше - и снова у корабля - № 24, Camo Rhino. Rhinos are fighting a battle to survive. Camouflage is about their need to hide from those who profit from their extinction and symbolizes Taronga’s fight For the Wild.

Буквально через сотню метров, в Circular Quay, #23, Keratin The Rhino.Humans have a fascination with killing animals for their horns, especially rhino. Why people would kill such a majestic animal purely to keep their horn as a trophy both confuses and disgusts me. My painting is a reaction to this.

Прямо у Сиднейской оперы - №22, Peope Takeover the Wild Rhino. Our rhino could signify the impact humanity at large has had on its species, or it could be that it has merely evolved a new camouflage (and shadow) to better survive our world. I think in reality we both found an unusual blank canvas on which to have some fun!

Потом мы долго и упорно искали его соседа, малыша Гамлета, спрашивали всех, включая сотрудников сувенирного магазина. Сувениры, кстати, нынче делают такие, что сложно удержаться: Барби в платье-опере и лего-опера в вариантах "бюджет" и "не бюджет" (порядка $400):

B вот наконец-то в кафе, в витрине, мы нашли его, #60, Little Hamlet, с перевязанным носом. Inspired by the recent Belvoir Street production of Hamlet starring Robyn Nevin and John Gaden ,  I have never enjoyed Shakespeare so much before.

Ботсад - в поисках прекрасного:

А вот и оно - № 35 Put A Lid On It - полностью покрытый пластиковыми крышечками и крышками. If only traditional medicine could be made using ground up plastic lids.

Идем дальше - № 8, My Rhino's Keeper на Martin Place, corner Macquarie Street. Слова автора: "The rhino I have designed will incorporate many common tattoo designs as to create an abstract tattoo distinction in one’s mind. It will use common designs such as the Japanese Koi fish, the Dragon, the Sparrows, the Mexican ‘Day of the Dead’ skull, the traditional mum/heart tattoo and many script tattoos".

Любимчик девочек - чупа-чупс - #4 Chupa Chups. My inspiration came from an illustration I drew two years ago that had a strong tribal feel as most people would describe it. While coming up with this design I enjoy looking at the latest trend in the fashion world and loving the Aztec prints with the loud colours, crazy shapes and the use of animals like tigers, lions, bears, zebra etc.

#2 All Patched Up в Гайд-парке. My idea grew from my frustration with people only patching one small problem at a time instead of looking at the big picture about solving our animal and environmental issues. It also represents the patchwork of animal DNA needed to bring back species from extinction like the project to bring back the thylacine and I hope the rhino does not end up one species future generations have to try and 'bring back' from extinction.

№ 7 Sunrise - Wake up With Friends. This rhino is the inspiration of the Channel Seven Sunrise crew. Samantha Armytage and Simon Reeve are ambassadors for Taronga Wild! Rhinos community art project.

№ 10 - Porcelain Rhino. Porcelain Rhino resembles the reality of rhinoceroses today; the strong and powerful creature is now fragile and vulnerable as it faces extinction. Without protection, the species will crumble like porcelain and will be lost forever.

Зеброносорог - №6, Camouflage. Our rhino has been painted as a zebra. The design plays with the idea of disguising the rhino as a large herd animal and intends to highlight that poachers are ignorant and stupid enough to be fooled by the camouflage. Today, there are less than 24,500 rhinos surviving in the wild, down from about 1 million at the turn of the century. This is our public plea to get involved in saving these 50 million year old creatures that future generations may never see in the wild.

№5 - Pacha. Our collaboration with Alison See for our Pacha Rhino was inspired by CAMILLA’s current Spring Summer collection PACHAMAMA, a collection born directly from Camilla's personal journey reconnecting with Mother Nature, or as the Incas called her - Pachamama. "My wanderings took me to South America where I found myself immersed in a culture where the people’s spiritual connection to Pachamama was profound, a complete way of being. Each morning we woke to give our first sip of tea to Pachamama, a ritual known as chulla; the prayer of giving back and worshipping her.  As the year grew so did my awareness of how other cultures connect to this great artist. There has been much time camping, always rising with the sun and retiring with her sunset. I feel that there is a movement taking us back to mother nature, back to where we belong. This collection of prints Alison has recreated with me has been inspired by this awareness, this feeling, and this genuine love and respect for Pachamama."

№ 15 - Rhinoceros Orchados. Rhinoceros Orchardos is a rhino covered in a gossamer veil of mist enveloped, orchard studded hills, that speaks of the loss of grazing lands and natural habitat. This ongoing and conflicting interaction with man is depicted as a visual and textural pattern or code which tempts one to touch, feel and remember, long after you have passed by.

И № 14 Home and Away - прямо напротив. From the sands of Summer Bay, this Wild Rhino exemplifies the feel of Australia’s favourite serial drama. Designed with a sense of fresh summer fun, this rhino is complete with autographs from your favourite Home and Away stars.

На Pitt Street в тот день было столпотворение, в районе магазина Зара - положена красная ковровая дорожка и куча восторженного народа страстно фотографировала каких-то неизвестных нам знаменитостей. Почувствовав себя в какой-то мере Форрест Гампом, мы незамедлительно проследовали дальше по выбранному маршруту, к Darling Harbour.

Тут мы встретили нос к носу № 28 - The Nature of Industriouness. The progress of industrialization is a one way path and whilst it is a journey paved with good intentions it will always be one held together by compromise. The images on this installation are a montage representing the co-existence of the industrial and natural environments, a world where pollution is limited but not eliminated, where development is paced and integrated rather than reactive and superficial, a place where natural resources are billed as irreplaceable capital rather than a font of eternal surplus. This is no carbon credited utopia or Ludditian ideal but an acceptance and tolerance that we need to find balance between what we've got and what we want.

А с другой стороны бухты - №31, Time To. Dubbo's city brand 'time to smile' identifies with the plight of the rhino, and the knowledge that it is 'time to act' to save these beautiful animals.

Трагичный и меланхоличный № 33, Look Into My Eyes. My main focus in my works are the eyes and thought it fitting to have them as a pattern based concept for the Rhino design. This project is to help the conservation of the Rhino and what better way to open peoples eyes with such a pattern!

Троица - №56 Handle with Care, 59 Party Rhino и 62 The Underneath. Угадайте, кто где!

Handle with Care: My design is inspired by the delicateness of the rhino species, and a number of animals sharing the same vulnerability. I decided to represent this fragility in styling my rhino like a delicate piece of chinaware, creating a pattern that consists of animals and flora related to the origin of the rhino, depicted in the same manner as  the artwork typically found on chinaware - teapots, teacups, etc.

Party Rhino: This rhino celebrates the beautiful fireworks display Sydney creates on New Year’s Eve. This iconic night, lights up the sky and shows that people can have a fun night out while supporting conservation.

The Underneath: With the rhino I wanted to show the beauty that’s under the exterior of this tough skinned animal. The pattern I have utilised is individual and colourful just like anyone’s personality. My patterns are not made up of geometric shapes, I like to use organic shapes and for this project both the surface and subject go hand in hand.

Эти малыши заставили нас побегать, т.к. мы никак не ожидали обнаружить их на третьем этаже здания, у входа в казино (The Star, Pyrmont Street)!

Дорога к дому - инсталляция от морского музея - № 32 Migaloo. This painted sculpture celebrates the famous white humpback whale Migaloo. Migaloo is an Indigenous Australian word meaning ‘white fella’.  One of only two known all white whales in the world, Migaloo is regularly sighted migrating up the east coast of Australia from Antarctica to the waters of Tropical North Queensland.

Перешли мост, движемся дальше. № 27. Mit dem Kopf durch die Wand - Strong Head. Stefi Boese,an illustrator and designer from Berln: I was inspired by the body itself, the natural shape, the solid, curved and fluent lines. I thought of features, so the rhino could fly away, but also of plants, water and leaves.

Тут начал накрапывать дождик и за носорогом мы увидели симпатичный итальянский ресторанчик, где и остановились на обед. И как вовремя - еще минут 15, и нас бы смыло в ближайшую гавань!

Как только дождь утих, мы отправились в путь, теперь уже напрямую к кораблю, т.к. тучи ничего хорошего не предвещали. По дороге встретили еще № 13 The Hatching. The rhino is hatching out of an egg into a myriad of colours, representing hope for the future of the Rhino and that we can help the process of protecting and growing the numbers of wild Rhinos.

И № 12 R:Bot 4000 - прям уже совсем у причала. R:BOT 4000 is a statement on what happens if rhinos become extinct.  We will be forced to substitute these majestic animals with robotic copies.  The only way to avoid the fate of having Robots for rhinos, is though our actions of raising awareness and conservation.

Получилась трогательная и познавательная прогулка по городу, и дня, конечно, не хватило, чтобы увидеть всех красавцев. По ссылке https://taronga.org.au/wild-rhinos/artists можно посмотреть профессиональные фото арт-носорогов в полном ассортименте.

Дальше мы зашли на корабль и начался настоящий беспробудный ливень, под который мы и отплывали к новым горизонтам, а точнее - в Ньюкастл:)

Австралия, круиз, australia, sydney

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