An Ode to My Old Couches,
May they bring there new owners as many joys as they have bestowed upon so many of my homes.
An age for the couches was determined yesterday. They are in fact older than I am, making them between twenty-four and twenty five years young.
Oh couches, you were a place for loved ones to cuddle!
A haven where countless movies were enjoyed, conversations had and a place to curl up and cry.
Over the quarter of a decade you have been in my life you've held strong. Move after move, providing squishy seating for person after person and pet after pet; from those departed, to those just arrived.
Oh my dear couches! Even now, when time has seen your fabric thin, and piping cracked, you are still the softest afternoon nap.
You go now to a better place where only a gentle hand will touch. You have earned the right to be free of pets and rowdy guests. At the Nanaimo Resource Center you now take space.
Oh my couches, enjoy your retirement. You have most certainly earned it! With much love, me.