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What Rejected Crayon Are You? so i had a wicked funny night last night... i wont go into details, but we'll leave it at AMAZING.
mine and carls collection of hermit crabs has grown to 5, me having two and him having three. we have a ten gallon tank now to put them in, and they have some new things to climb on... i'll take some pictures soon, maybe tonight. anyway, carl bought thee biggwst one there was, and we've yet to name that one yet, and i bought a handicapped one because i felt so bad for it. it might even die, but i hope not. he's missing 2 legs on one side, and the two legs on the other side are missing the ends. his shell is WAY to small for him, but he wont change into a bigger one (weird). he's very friendly though. i named him gimpy :-). like i said, more pictures later.
oh yeah and uhhh... fuck the patriots? who wants to move to denver?