hi, i am back again.. i think. sorry bout not posting in while.. been feeling very unwell in the last few weeks and keeping extremely busy too. almost missed the show but managed to roll out of bed (exactly what i did) to make the opening. the little gallery was very crowed, lots of people! so if you did not get to see all the works they can be viewed
here on the gallery website.
feel lucky to be in the same exhibit with these gals. i truly admire their work and to top it off they are all incredibly sweet
brandi milne audrey kawasaki stella im hultberg kukula posted my artworks
image of flyer, not sure whats up w/ the code making it so stretched..
audrey and i
LC, amy, stella, brandi, kukula, audrey & andrew
*** also i meant to post a while back...
dirkhaim's thought-fully written article on
www.tinyways.com of my work. it's a very interesting, unique perspective that i have never heard.. except my own head maybe?
petting-amy-sol by dirkhaim