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Sep 13, 2010 14:01

The last two weekends have been pretty busy. David and I went to Ikea and bought some things to re-do the living room: new slipcovers for the couch, new desk etc. And picked up a new rug at a local store.  We bought the supplies for a project for the entry hall. Lots of shopping and preparation underway! Oh and we bought a carpet cleaner and gave the carpets a nice shampoo too. We have the living room pretty much set. They have to deliver our desk next week as it was out of stock, so that will have to be assembled and stuff. But I am pleased with the progress so far.

All of the paperwork has now been filed for the car. They have the customs forms, the government forms for us being overseas, tax stuff, insurance forms, lights have been adjusted to UK specifications, etc. Heck, the loan company has even already paid them.  But I STILL don't have my car!! They said as soon as the tax disc arrives,  we can take possession. They seem to think that will be sometime this week. So hopefully by next weekend at the latest, I will have my car.

On the sewing front, I have started the mock up for David's jack (padded armor). I had to stop yesterday because the position I sit in to do cutting kills my foot. I'll finish it up tonight hopefully. I want to get the mock up done so that I can get the layers cut out and basted together. Then I can bring it along when we go places to do the quilting. I've also worked out a new regency waistcoat for him and I'll start that once I have the jack pieces ready to be quilted. He needs that by mid October. I haven't done either of my gowns yet for October so they are definitely on the list too. I have the fabric for my new day dress but I haven't found anything I love for a new ballgown. Worse case scenario, I have plenty of silk in the stash that isn't earmarked for something else. I can always whip something from that. I have a plan for a ballgown, but haven't found the perfect fabric yet. Plus, it requires quite a bit of hand work so it might not be feasible while I still need to quilt his jack. We'll see how it goes.

The foot is still attached though it hates me and I hate it. Still getting worse. David and I have discussed calling the doctor and just doing the surgery instead of trying the cortisone first. I keep going back and forth about it.

And finally... David and I have finalized our anniversary trip for next year. It will be our 10th anniversary so we wanted to do something very special. Originally we were going to take a trip to Italy, but we have decided to do a mediterranean cruise instead. I am so excited! It will be so much fun! We are also taking a trip this year for our anniversary, but we are staying somewhat local. We are taking a week off and travelling around to see some places here in England that are new to us. Not as exciting as next year's plans, but still fun. Now hopefully my foot will not be a bother. If it is, we will still have fun, but it would be nice if it behaved itself.

15th century, regency, vacation, home

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