Aug 25, 2015 19:05
I've been in Atlanta the last few days trying to find us a place to live. I thought I had found a place yesterday and put in an application. Today they let me know that they had 2 applications before mine so they would be processing them in order. I was specifically told that those previous applications were old and not being processed. That really pissed me off because I didn't look at any other houses yesterday or this morning. They did give us back our $70 application fee when I complained though. But then I was scrambling this afternoon. There are just no houses which fit our needs that aren't already either leased or have an application. There was one. I was sort of on the fence about it and then I saw HUGE spiders in the lawn. Uh... no.
So David and I are just going to move to a hotel and then look for a house. I've made my peace with it. In a way, in makes the move less stressful. Whatever is supposed to be will be. None of those houses were supposed to be for us. We'll find the right one. :)
I did manage to do the other things on my list. I got a PO box for my nursing license application. I got fingerprinted for the nursing board background check. And I got my application notarized and sent. So the trip wasn't a total waste.