So you started Dr Who with this year's season? Don't really know what I think about season 6... There were some very good episodes like the first two, A Good Man Goes To War or Let's Kill Hitler but in general it was a bit fairytale-ish. I am a big Russel T. Davis (creator and producer of seasons 1-4, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, Queer as Folk, Casanova) fan and I like his more realistic approach if that makes any sense talking about a sci-fi show. ^^ Nonetheless Stephen Mophat is great too. Absolutely loved season 5. The introduction of Eleven and Amy was amazing as was the Big Bang story arch! And Matt Smith... Well it's very easy to fall for him. His Doctor is adorable! But the thing with DW is that everyone falls for his or her first Doctor. Technically that would have been Christopher Eccleston for me but it was just three or so episodes and then there was David Tennant... How can a stupid little fangirl like me not fall for him? So yeah right there with you about the serious crushing! Actually I saw Torchwood first, fell very hard for Jack Harkness/John Barrowman, discovered that TW is just a small part of an amazing place called Whoniverse, watched all DW episodes with Jack in it and started again from the beginning afterwards. When David Tennant left it broke my heart. Was seriously crying during End Of Time 2 (And even worse during the Confidential episode when David was crying about leaving...). I thought it would be very hard to except a new actor in this role. Then there was Matt Smith and I loved him from the very first second. But he can never be MY Doctor... You have to watch Time Crash (a special from 2007) to really understand it. ;)
This is one hell of a long comment. Should have warned you that I tend to ramble about my favourite shows... Feel free to do the same! I would realy like to hear what you think about the past seasons and how it is to go back from Matt Smith/Stephen Moffat to David Tennant/Russel T Davis! Oh and because you like Smith/Moffat have you seen Sherlock?
This is one hell of a long comment. Should have warned you that I tend to ramble about my favourite shows... Feel free to do the same! I would realy like to hear what you think about the past seasons and how it is to go back from Matt Smith/Stephen Moffat to David Tennant/Russel T Davis! Oh and because you like Smith/Moffat have you seen Sherlock?
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