May 16, 2009 14:20
So, I have this little spiral bound notebook that I carry around with me now, I write or doodle. It's kind of like a journal but not really... you'll see. They're just short little rantings. I typed them in basically word for word. Keep in mind I was probably not all there when I wrote them. Just one for now I'll type another one later, and scan in some sketches.
April 31st, 2009
On Life...
There's a difference between living and being alive. Anyone can lice, anyone can move through life and just die without consequence. In the vast expanse of the world and the universe (whatever my or may not reside within) there are few beings with the ability to truly be alive. Sometimes things that seem so serene are the only
things that are really in tune with their being. Before one could really begin to embrace life one must first know oneself. Society doesn't matter. Opinions, beliefs, religions, morals, all weak things that are easily broken. These things imprison us in a gilded cage made of glass, that we never think to hit. Life lies withing life deep, in the existence of a being is the instinct to survive. Never believe in anything that can be broken. God is you and you are God. Worship yourself, love yourself and see improvement. Only when you realize that no one is there over you protecting your life, that the only one responsible and capable of change, is you. If you live, you live within yourself and withing the world simultaneously. You make yourself visible to the world. Success is in fulfillment and fulfillment lies in understanding. You can be anything in this life, distance is futile, height is attainable, but you have to reach success by completing yourself. No matter how high you climb, or how much money you have in your bank account, there is no cure for hating oneself outside of ones own psyche. The way to happiness lies in the moment. This moment, the next moment; they pass in the drone of daily repetitive tasks, they are lost and given freely. Fleeting moments litter the streets of life and we just step over them like so much other trash that clutters our space. We are in a society that values timetables, you work from 9-5 Monday through Friday, Saturday you get up and watch cartoons over a bowl of cereal before trying to use your day to fix everything about your life...After this roadrunner cartoon. You love roadrunner. This is what they want. Yeah, you sit there and watch tv. Don't worry that the whole economy is going to fall. If you have a job go to work, if you don't, get out there and beat down all the other job seekers. This is America. We can do that. Isn't it sad? Everyone is out for themselves to try to make a life for themselves and through all that effort they don't even attain their goal. Whatever you feel, do. That's really what I am trying to get down to here. I don't have a moral, I don't have some deep life lesson, really. I think people just need to get back in touch with themselves as an individual. If you want to go off and join the army and shoot >whoever we're at war with at the time<, then go. Get tattoos, pierce your belly button, but a Harley. Your only live once, whether you believe that or not, do you really want to risk it?
<3 Haze
This is the way the world ends,
Not with a bang but with a whimper...
-T.S. Elliot