Thankfully, things have pretty well settled down. Now that mom has decided to leave, and I have an actual day to count down to, things are getting better. I love having my family here to hang out with and the art scene here is really great. I feel like the change in scenery was good, even with the bad, because I am really feeling like drawing all the time. There are just so many ideas waiting to be found here. I have all these things running through my head at once and only a set amount of time in which to release them, ugh. So I've been busy. Below are some of my works-in-progress. I tried to put up at least 2 versions.
First, an update on the zebra. At Ashley's request I gave the trees shadows to create more lines and a little background to take away some negative space. I had to take a picture of it so the color is awful but you get the idea. I was thinking from this that I might make this zebra winter and do three more for summer, fall, and spring. I was thinking a bird for spring with flowers making the feathers, a deer for fall making his antlers trees from which the leaves that make up the fur fell. I can't think of one for summer at the moment, ideas welcome.
(click for bigger image/ details) Next is what I am currently working on in that same sketchbook as Winter Zebra. I was pretty messed up when I started this but I think the general premise was that the gears were working from her head. I don't do mush work with indrustrial subjects so I kind of made up the gears, much of today I spent finding references so there will be many more gears. I know her face looks kind of messed up but I rather like the expression, it kind of jives with the thought-process thing. Blah.
Last, for now, I 've been working on a bit of a collage for the cover of this new sketch book because it was just plain cardboard, no fun at all, so I demolished all the magazines in the house. I really had to work to find a 'J' to use for the back cover so I ended up just drawing it on there. YAY COLLAGES!
Front ^.^
Back ^.^ HAH! Obama sticker. It's a neat picture though...
(Click for bigger image/ details.)
Finally, for the end of this entry, I just have some pictures that are fun and random... The fall is really pretty over here I think I'll go to the park tomorrow for a little nature photography.
Look, I was cute today...What happened?
Haha, my ashtray.
Fall leaves AND...
Now that I have figured out this whole Livejournal scrapbook thing life is much easier, it knows which pics I want. Ashley, you might want to look into it.
<3 Jessi