MEME: Island Twitter

Feb 17, 2011 02:11

Today's meme was suggested by Angel!
Even if you don't use it, we've all heard of Twitter. A micro-blogging platform, Twitter is something like a cross between posting to a blog and participating in a chat room -- The idea is to communicate what you're doing or thinking within 140 characters, and then others can read and/or remark on it.

So, what is your pup doing? Treat this post like the island's personal Twitter service. Other pups can send @ replies or "retweet" remarks of interest to them, all completely off the record, of course. Just keep everything under 140 characters. Feel free to top-level new topics from the same pup so that we get page breaks, operate under the assumption that everyone is "following" everyone else, and have fun!

memes: island twitter

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