(no subject)

Sep 02, 2010 04:28

Oh my gosh, y'all! I'm seriously LOLing over this game lately. There's a few things I had to point out and give kudos that couldn't wait until the next 27th Things We Love Meme.

Brodie designing his new hut with a room specifically for comics. Especially when Gambit tags in and suggests that Brodie is drawing a bakery. I LOL'd so hard!

William de Worde hoping his daughter is a genius. Pratchet cracks me up and reading Scott's William cracks me up just as much especially this one.

I agonized for a moment when this went up thinking I had no pup who might tag in until I remembered Gilderoy!! I haven't LOL'd so much in a long time. Since maybe the Colbert/Lockhart/Glee Club tag?

And this isn't in-game, but it's still awesome. In case you missed it, Harry Potter is in PotF. And all of his tags are awesome!! I LOL'd myself silly laughing at Gilderoy.


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