If the tags are to be believed, we've not done this meme for a whole year, which is a travesty. Instructions were gratuitously copied from Emily's
original post.
The Never Have I Ever Meme
01. Have your pup post a top-level comment with something in the form of "never have i ever __________________" -- gone skinny dipping, been in a threesome, cheated on a test, et cetera. it can be anything, innocuous or completely dirty.
02. if you post a "never have i ever" you are thereby signing up to play the rest of the game as best you can, owning up to whatever anyone else has posted or will post after you.
03. you own up by replying to the "never have i ever" challenge comment, saying you've done it. you get one point for everything you have done - ie: if you have gone skinny dipping, been in a threesome, cheated on a test, etc, you get a point for each one.
04. your "never have i ever" comment should be something you have never done, because the point of the game is to have the lowest score possible. though you can certainly post something you *have* done in order to out other people and make them get more points.
This is, of course, all IC.
Make sense? I sure hope so, because here we go!