Sep 23, 2007 21:38
I went to church today. Not sure if you realize this or not, but I haven't been to church in a really, really long time. My dad has decided to become a Presbyterian and invited me along with him. We had plans in the afternoon so we decided just to make a day of it. Anyway, I figured if they were gay friendly then the chances of me being struck by lightening upon entering the building were slim... even if I did wear a pair of brand-new bright red heels.
No lightening. However, the paramedics were involved.
There was an older lady sitting 2 pews (rows? aisles? at crazy!church we had chairs so I'm not sure the proper term) in front of us who suddenly sort of slumped over. The lady sitting next to her turned around and whispered "I need some help, please." Sort of like, "I think maybe my friend is dying, but I don't want to interrupt God at work, so let's not make a fuss." Several people started to notice what was happening and ran up to the choir loft to grab a doctor who attends there. He checked her pulse and laid her down after calling 9-1-1. I had noticed a disgusting odor in the air and could only assume where it was coming from. When the paramedics arrived they brought in a wheelchair and when she stood up I saw that the back of her pants were soaked with urine. I mean HOW AWFUL. HOW ABSOLUTELY AWFUL! I felt so terrible for her, she must have been humiliated. And, you know, not to mention pretty sick.
The most interesting part? Throughout the whole ordeal church continued as per the program. The reverend did say a prayer for her, but not until the program indicated it was time to pray.
In contrast if something like that had happened at Crazy!Church everything would have stopped (except the band, never the band) and all 300 people would have been praying fervently in tongues while the church leadership laid hands on the ill person and asked Jesus for healing. THEN they would have called 9-1-1.
Pretty stark contrast, eh?
I just wonder, which is right? Is there even such a thing as right when it comes to religion? Or is it, like everything else in this life, another shade of gray? I've been watching the second season of Rome, and so many of their religious rituals are extremely similar to the Christian rituals we practice today. So what is right? Is it all rooted in the same belief system? Has man-kind polluted "God"?
My Grandma Josephine never was afraid of death. If you asked her if she thought she was going to heaven she'd say, "It won't matter to me, I'll be dead!" She figured, whatever the afterlife was she couldn't control it any more than she could control this life. It's all pretty much a roll of the dice.
I know this much, I did not feel God in that church today. I felt tradition, which was comforting. I felt kindness, which was warm. And I felt routine, which was sort of boring. But I did not feel God. That is not to say God does not dwell with the Presbyterians. I'm sure he does, and that those who seek him there will surely find him. I just know that me personally? I won't find him there.
I'm much more likely to find him in the shoe department at Nordstrom.