Jan 16, 2006 16:39
I had a very movie going weekend.
Saw “Glory Road” and “Brokeback Mountain.” Both were good, although Brokeback Mountain is probably one of the best films I’ve seen in years. Very sad. Apparently, no good can come of being a gay cowboy in a rural town in the 1960’s. Heath Ledger is hothothot, so is Jake. There was at least one scene that I found to be extremely difficult to watch, but it was necessary to the storyline. And for you men out there, it’s not all about man-on-man action. You also get to see some boobs. See? Something for everyone!
In all seriousness, this movie is important on so many levels. If I ever wondered why my father got married and had kids, now I know. If I ever wondered why he couldn’t just “be” straight, now I know. If I ever wondered why he left us when he did, now I know. It is an extremely insightful film. And it isn’t very often a movie is so effective that the audience sympathizes with each and every character. I felt bad for the gay cowboys, I felt bad for their wives, I felt bad for their kids, and I even felt bad for Jack’s parents at the end (especially his mother). The whole thing is just tragic. There were no sides to take. Being gay is hard as hell in today’s society and it is nothing compared to what it was back then. Ignorance sucks. Hopefully movies like this will help. Love is love, y'know? It isn't for us to make up rules dictating what sort of love is socially OK, and what isn't.
Tell me what else Ang Lee has directed? I know he’s done stuff I’ve seen, but I can’t remember what!
Glory Road was your typical feel good family film. But I was with my mother, and seeing as how she thinks JENNIFER ANNISTON makes nasty movies, it’s hard to find something she’ll think is decent. Jennifer Anniston… “nasty”??!?!?! Yes, my mom is crazy. She has been for quite some time. We’re used to it now, and try to remind her daily to take her medication.