Nov 10, 2010 17:37
...I don't understand...where are all of these new voices coming from?
I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with all of these new voices!
[Coming back to your unlocked home sometime today? Of course you are. The first thing one will notice is an open journal left right in front of their door. Not too weird, right?
But, as soon as you decide to open the door, it won't open all the way. Instead, you will hear an 'ow' and find a person huddled up behind it in the newfeather dress AND pants. (Someone got lucky, right?)]
✝ Xion,
✝ Akira,
can only deal with one voice,
✝ Ventus,
✝ Soul,
can't deal with it,
doesn't sound crazy at all,
✝ Poland,
✝ Patchouli,
at least he's not lost,
please don't yell at him