4 ☪ Action / Voice

Dec 16, 2010 02:05

[After that last experiment, Crona has made it a point to stay inside, and away from as many people as possible...which has been easy. Seeing as he has a sick roommate at the moment, who doesn't bother him much, and he has no desire to go outside until it is completely necessary. Which is usually once he starts starving.

Of course, that day is today. But sadly, without the guidance of Soul, Crona has no idea where the food place is. (Because he is usually not the one to go out and get the stuff.) So now, the kid is lost...sort of. He can be found  leaning against the fountain that he actually knows where it is now, and curled up with his journal on his knees. Nothing too strange, right? Well, not completely, if you care to notice, he has a few bandages on his face. The cuts under them have completely healed, but after ripping off the first one, and find out that hurts, he didn't care to do that again.

After a while of watching people from his fail hiding spot, he decides to ask a question...in a very quiet voice.]

...I was wondering...why do some people like to fight, and some don't? Everyone back home really liked to fight all the time...

[OOC: Most tags to come in the morning~]

✝ Ventus, doesn't know where anything is, ✝ Poland, can't deal with sick people, this is something that confuses him, ✝ Seishino, ✝ Erza, fail, ✝ Patchouli, only kinda being social

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