1) I have a baby sister, Brenna. She is the best. Everyone says she looks like me, not Dad or April. It makes me smile so much inside. I'm so excited to be here for this girl. To take her shopping and to Fenton's and traveling the world and teaching her random bits of random languages and having vhs sleepovers at my house and taking her to the park and getting her a goldfish or something and talking to her about boys (or girls) and teaching her about makeup and taking her to the pool and taking her to Idaho and taking her river rafting. It's almost like I don't even need to ever have my own kids, I'll just be awesome to all Dad's little kids (yes, he already wants to have more with April lol)
2)Dominic. We are such good friends. Who are sleeping together. I love it so much. It's a little scary, because it's one of those things where if one of our feelings change just a little bit, everything will change slash be destroyed. But then I remember that I am really, super, extremely happy with what is right now. We are best friends and it's not super awk hook up, it's like, legit relationship-y hooking up, but it doesn't touch the best friend part at all. For me. I'm pretty sure it's a similar thing for him. I hope. And if it's not, we are close enough that we can work through the awkward shit.