This is Baby...only the cutest dog ever. So sweet too.
Becca at the Beach
Becca at the beach #2
Becca and I at the beach
Becca and Jason at Laura and Kawika's..."The sex chair"
Becca Jason and I at dinner
My best friend in Monterey <3 The only thing that never left me alone. lol Slept with me almost every night too unlike someone who told me I had to sleep with him but didn't. Cough. :)
She's so cute when sleeping...She was mad at me today when I left. She wouldn't let me hold her.
There's not much to say about this picture. One of the few moments I spent with Keith.
Jillian and I are on the same level with everything. lol
Keith and I at Laura and Kawika's. Gross guy lines or sex lines whatever you wanna call But he has back dimples. That's hot.
Who couldn't love a face like that? lol pff...everyone. Jk :)
The newlyweds Keith and Hanna...::whipping noise:: ::cough:: whipped ::cough:: :)
I don't know what i'm laughing at but it must of been funny...and it looks like i'm looking at his nipples. Must of been amusing.
Laura...she's so cute. Yesterday I spent the evening with her watching movies. We got all worked up over Open Water yelling at them and then it just like ended, bad movie. Then we got all worked up when watching Cellular too, but that was an insane movie. Pretty good. And we calmed down with Shall we Dance with Jillian and Becca because my sister is the vomit queen. I swear i've never seen one person puke so much in a week and not be sick. And she calls Keith Vomit...But Laura let me get cookie dough. <3 lol
My backside while bowling with Jason and Becca. Never in my bowling life have I ever dropped the bowling ball and have it fly back. Well I did :( It was sooo funny...I laughed so hard I couldn't bowl right. I just let go and it flew back and rolled to Jason's feet and they made comments like "The pins are the other way" and "If I was the pins you'd get a strike." lol
Me painting with my sister
Sun bathing in clothes. This is how we do it in Monterey.
Watching Tv
There's more but I can't post them until Monday or else it'll ruin it. lol You'll see.
Also if you want to see pictures of my prom dress IM me because i'm not gonna post them. It'll ruin the surprise on prom for Bonifer. lol Sorry Everyone else just contact me if you want to see them...It's turning out really really pretty. I'm so excited.