Feb 25, 2011 12:32
I got sick yesterday and it sucked the life out of me.
I will probably miss blogging here. Because I'm going to lose this Mac by next week. Oh how unfortunate for me. Maybe, this is just a choice for me to take. I tend to take things seriously and I think I should. Sometimes I feel I tend to be too "at home", making me unable to quickly adapt to sudden changes. I don't know why and I will never know why I hate goodbyes.
My sup actually IMed me earlier and it made me sadder, still. I just don't know why but she's one of the kindest sups I have had my entire working life so there... I don't know. It was so sad. :'(
Guess I just have to deal with this. I should be strong. I know I can do it... Or that's what I want myself to believe... Oh brain, stop it!
I have to stay positive! I have to! It's sink or swim for me right now.