. . . because I'm killing time, drinking tea before bed.
What we have here is the top 106 books most often marked as "unread" by LibraryThing’s users. As in, they sit on the shelf to make you look smart or well-rounded. Bold the ones you've read, underline the ones you read for school, italicize the ones you started but didn't finish.
The list )
Comments 10
Dunno. Theories.
The Fountainhead is good, for when you have the time. my friend didn't like the straightforwardness of it - she said the book felt dry and preachy. mostly, i was tickled by running across the bit with two characters in a boat and thinking to myself that the way the scene played out sounded familiar. then i remembered the Fountainhead was one of wallflower!Charlie's ontheside books. hee.
haven't read most of the books on this list, but I highly recommend The Unbearable Lightness of Being. gooooodddd stuff.
I think "The God of Small Things" is the only novel Roy has ever written. She's more of a journalist and an activist, generally, and I'm a bit ashamed to say I've never read any of her non-fiction work.
Used to be I would finish every book I started, just on principle. Nowadays, my precious fiction-reading time is so minimal that have absolutely zero qualms about chucking aside a book that hasn't engaged me properly in the first 50-100 pages.
Also, The Time Traveler's Wife is a more contemporary novel on that list - devastating and wonderful. I recommend it.
I really want to read Orlando, too. I saw the film rendition which was very good on its own, though I can't speak to how well it reflected the novel.
You could never get into Tolkien? Really? Me neither, and I feel like the only such person on the planet. I did read The Hobbit in full for a class in middle school, but I've never been able to get through any of the others.
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