(no subject)

Feb 25, 2007 21:27

The question was:
Why are emos emo?
Here is what Shaydah's friends had to say...

[21:54] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:54] Thewhokidd17: hmm......
[21:54] Thewhokidd17: im not sure

[21:54] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:54] JusTSnowBoardin4: i dont kno
[21:54] JusTSnowBoardin4: wthey hate themselves

[21:56] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:56] Joynholly: hmm idk
[21:56] Joynholly: i think they're stupid though

[21:54] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:55] jj48car: Because they believe they are.
[21:55] jj48car: There is no such thing as "emo".
[21:55] jj48car: It is a state of mind existing only in those who delude themselves into accepting its existance.

[21:54] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:54] xKhaninjax: cuz they are ver sad about something. lol xD
[21:54] xKhaninjax: very*

[21:56] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:56] Joynholly: hmm idk
[21:56] Joynholly: i think they're stupid though

[21:54] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:54] eggieweg: because they think they have problems, even though they really don't

[21:54] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:55] TehMattitude23: deep down gayness
[21:55] TehMattitude23: long hair
[21:55] TehMattitude23: remember
[21:55] TehMattitude23: the length of your hair is directly related to how emo your are

[21:55] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:56] Canitoch09: i have no idea
[21:56] Canitoch09: cause they want attention?
[21:56] Canitoch09: heres my question..why do emos deny being emo -___-

[21:55] inn particular: Why are emos emo?\
[21:56] PWashingMachineL: Because they want to fit in with a crowd.
[21:56] PWashingMachineL: .-.

[21:55] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[21:56] Shayan: how should I know
[21:56] Shayan: you tell me
[21:56] Shayan: queen of the black hearted

[21:55] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[22:06] plaguex1@gmail.com: idk
[22:06] plaguex1@gmail.com: lol
[22:06] plaguex1@gmail.com: why are goths so goth?

[22:12] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[22:12] JazzAnnie66: uh...idk

[22:12] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[22:12] WhiteWolf32X: because when that type of music came out people determined them emo and kids made fun of them so they started to go from "music." to "emo music" lol

[22:12] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[22:13] sweetypy3099: why not?

[21:55] inn particular: Why are emos emo?
[22:18] xxxlastxdrivexxx: ask heather xD
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