Title: The Troll Chronicles Of Cho Kyuhyun - The Troll's Ability To Pull Stuff Out Of Nowhere (04)
Pairing(s)/Characters: Kyuhyun, WonZhouRy
Rating: NC-17
Genre: crack, smut
Summary: The chronicles wherein Cho Kyuhyun trolls around, disturbing the peace. Okay, not peace. He's just going around the dorms disturbing the other members' sexy times. He's a troll that way.
Notes: Pairing included may vary according to parts. The rating went higher for this part because of the details needed to be written in order for Kyu's trolling to be much more effective.
“Mmwwuu mooorr mfrii.” (01) The Intro To Trolling |
(02) The Troll Way To Exiting |
(03) When A Troll Plugs In