Title: Flash of Love
Pairing: KyuMin, YeMin, Qmi(girl!Zhoumi), Onesided!Yewook
Length: Mini series
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: R (for crude language, mention of sex)
Disclaimer: I do not own anything. The story line is from an Indonesian movie, Alexandria. The character belongs to each other. I own my fail grammar and vocabulary.
Summary: Who would you choose? A notorious playboy who willing to change everything for you? Or your secret admirer since you was 7? Or neither of them? because those people are best friends since kindergarten.
Love is the most extraordinary thing ever. But love also the thing that can make Kim Yesung, Lee Sungmin and Cho Kyuhyun forgetting another one wonderful thing, which is friendship.
A boy with round shiny eyes named Lee Sungmin.