A Day in The Life (Au!Fic)

Jun 15, 2011 17:16

Title: A Day in The Life (Au!Fic)
Author: Dreaminginside
Words: 1,104
Pairings: Henmin, Yewook
Warnings: Implied
Disclaimer: LOLNO
Rating: PG
Summary: A day in the life of Sungmin, or at least one where he has the inability to actually hit the snooze button.

A/N: In the same verse as Morning Lullabies but it's not necessary to have read it to understand. The result of being lonely at one in the morning, written in an hour XD

Sungmin just considers it a victory that they don’t have to call the fire department. Again. )

rating: pg, c:henry, pairing:henmin, c:sungmin, author:a-e

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