
Feb 21, 2006 03:08

Last updated: 01 Mar 2010

Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 154lbs
Medical Info: Nothing major, besides being filthy half the time. Also, most of his upper torso is scarred from being hit with Allen's sword. They seem to cause him pain from time to time, although it's not really clear under what conditions they do this.

Eyes: black (white form), gold (black form)
Hair: black
Physical traits: Tyki has two physical forms, creatively termed "black" and "white", and generally speaking, I'll try to always indicate whether he's in black or white form, either through icons or in a post itself. If he's hoboing it up, that's also an indication of white form♥ He won't EVER switch between them WITHOUT me saying so, though. Ever, ever, ever. (This is all probably overthinking this section but good to have~)

Either Form: Longer hair, like he's had in recent canon, down to about mid-back. Scars across his arm and chest where Allen's sword cut him. Small beauty mark underneath his left (viewer's right) eye.

White Form: Light, if not slightly tannish skin (not by much, though.) Most likely dirty.

Black Form: Darker tanned skin, kind of pale and ashy. (Or gray, or green, or iridescent depending on what watercolours Hoshino has gotten her hands on lately. Paleish-tannedish for our purposes though.) It's not really undead-looking, but it doesn't look quite natural, either. Across his forehead is a row of seven black cross-shaped marks. Reminiscent of a crown of thorns.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything. OOCly, I don't care, and ICly he doesn't really have too much by way of traumabuttons. Not that anyone is just going to be talking about in casual conversation...I hope... If one does get hit, it's no big deal.


Choose: The most notable ability of his is the ability to choose, the power to accept or reject matter at will. The implications of this are far reaching. On one end of the spectrum, whatever matter he chooses to reject can be passed through at will, whether it be a wall or a person. Used in tandem with the ability to reconstitute matter at will, he can feasibly reach inside an enemy, and at any point, if he so desired, do something such as ripping out their heart. On the other end of the spectrum, he can choose to make matter effectively solid, allowing him to do things such as walk on air or water. It is implied that this ability can extend to a certain radius, both in the fact that he uses it to create an airless vacuum, and to allow for the insertion of Tease into the body of an enemy, to use them as a breeding ground. (see below) The only exception to this is that none of these abilities apply to Innocence, as it only works on things that are "of this world"-- which Innocence is not.

Tease: Tease are carnivorous golem created by the Earl in the shape of butterflies that are entirely under Tyki's command, and can appear in one of three forms. In the first form, they appear as a multitude of small black butterflies. These are the ones that he places inside of enemies as a breeding ground and a feed source for the Tease. On command, they can reform into one or two large Tease, whose size are determined by how many of the smaller ones went into creating it. They are still in the shape of butterflies, with skulls on their backs. These larger Tease can then tranform into ethereal, vaguely-shaped weaponry that allows him to attack his enemies in close combat maneuvers.

Appearance Shifting: An ability that all Noah seem to have is the ability to change from their normal appearance to a more human appearance. This means that his ashy-tan skintone turns to a more human, pale fleshtone, his eyes turn dark as opposed to yellow-gold, and the cross-shaped holymarks across his forehead disappear.

Awakened Form: The nature of this form is a little uncertain, and has only occurred once so far, after Allen's attempt to exorcise the Noah from him. Instead, his Noah awakened and took over, transforming him into a monster of pure dark matter. In this Awakened form, he loses most (if not all) of his humanity but gains immense strength. However, as a note, because of both the cause and effect of this ability, it is not something to be used willingly.

Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: So, depending on the time of day, his thoughts might be extremely simple and mundane, like about food. Or more food. Or when he can nap again. He can be inclined to more complex thoughts, but still nothing too abnormal. You won't find him pondering the meaning of life, the universe, and everything too often. He can be a bit deceptive-- say one thing, mean another-- whether it's because he's being sarcastic or just lying. His whole white side is a bit of a lie itself, although he genuinely likes living like that.

Besides that, there's not a lot that distinguishes them. He thinks about his human friends as well as his Noah family somewhat regularly. And then there's the Noah part of him which is really pretty damn crazy, knocking about in that head of his. That part is pretty single minded on CRUSH KILL DESTROY. Depending on the type of psychic...ness...he's subconsciously repressing that part of himself. (As an aside, this...might change in the near future. It's sort of hinted that he can't control it anymore, or at least not as much as he could? But that could very well be fans reading into it. Still, it's pretty ambiguous, so for now I'll go with what WAS known as opposed to what ISN'T known.)

I'm always willing to share what his thoughts might be at any given point.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes! If it's comedic or playful, godmod away! If it's malicious or anything that might have a long-term effect, hit me up first. 99.9% of the time I'll say yes anyway.

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Yes, yes, and yes♥ He might not enjoy it, but yes.

Maim/Murder/Death: Injury and maiming, sure, but hit me up first so we can work out how that's gonna work. Death/murder I am not so big on. Just not my cup of tea. OF COURSE, considering the character, chances are he'll make enemies and someone will want to kill him. I can handle it in small quantities, so if you really want to see him dead, or think he deserves to die, hit me up and we'll talk it over. Over cookies, preferably. Usually I'm more inclined to character death if it's relevant to some sort of plot, big or small, as opposed to comedic or random death for the lulz.

Cooking: Rudimentary. Nothing that anyone but other hobos might want to eat. He's either used to cooking hobofood, or being cooked for. And he can't read any cookbooks, SO. Also I wouldn't try to cook HIM. That's just not sanitary.
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