user's guide to tyki mikk

May 26, 2010 10:17

Finally, after way too long, a good old fashioned abilities guide, because it's a pain and a half to keep explaining.

This is something I've been needing to do for a while. /laaaazy. Anyway, a general abilities guide! Here we go! I'm probably going to use a lot of anime shots as reference, just because they're easier to retrieve and a lot easier to look at and it doesn't really make a lot of difference. Some of the later descriptions might get a little tiny bit gross, but I will do my best to keep them reasonable.

Also this post is image heavy! And I'll be adding more later!

Tease (small)

These are thousands of little black butterflies. They sort of resemble swallowtail butterflies, except they have punch-outs of card suites on their wings-that is, hearts, clubs, spades, and diamonds. These bite! But not very hard, unless they're trying to eat you. These Tease can swarm a person and consume their body in...a relatively short amount of time. The eat human flesh to live, and if inserted into a human body, can use it as a breeding ground to create more Tease. However, they aren't very strong. Each of them can be crushed pretty easily, just like a normal butterfly. They obey whatever Tyki tells them to do.

Tease (large)

These are the big ones! Tyki calls back all the little ones, and they can combine to form the big ones! Usually only one or two. As far as I can remember, I don't recall him ever using three of these, although it's unclear whether that's a limitation or a personal preference, but I'm going to just go with personal preference until canon tells me otherwise, since it doesn't seem like he'd have use for three or more, with the way he uses them. I am a bold-faced liar! At least in chapter 113, it appears that there's a lot of these big ones? But I'm not really sure what the deal with that is. At the time of writing this, I'll have to go back and look later. Anyway. These ones bite as well, a bit harder, and also obey commands. He usually doesn't send these after people like he does the little ones. Instead, he uses them to breed and to form them into dark matter type weapons that form something like a composite shield/blade on his arms that I will get to later.

Basic Noah Abilities

There are a couple abilities that seem to be general Noah abilities, and aren't just his.


This is the most basic! It allows Tyki to switch between his "black" and "white" forms, the former being his true form, and the latter being a disguise, although it's implied that all Noahs have white forms, and not just him.

Dark Matter

As a side note, I...I don't know, maybe I need to do a reread but I don't RECALL it ever actually being called dark matter or dark energy or anything like that. It seems to be a purely fanon term to me, but for lack of anything better to call it, as the antithesis of Innocence, this is what powers almost all of Tyki's attacks. It's that purple-y glow-y stuff in all of the screen shots. He seems to be able use blasts of it, or impale his enemies with it, but doesn't really use it in that manner fairly often. Instead when fighting with it, he uses it for both offense and defense, as a vaguely blade-shaped weapon that forms around his arms, which can also be used as a shield. (However, he seems to be able to conjure it from almost anywhere on his body? When he's attacked from behind, he uses it to block the attack.) Since Innocence is the only thing that can harm his body, he uses this to defend himself against Innocence-based attacks.

Destroying Innocence

Simple enough. He can destroy Innocence with just his hands! For this reason, I think that Innocence itself isn't what hurts it, but when its powers are used offensively, so simply being in the presence of it won't really hurt it, nor will just touching it. It has to be used to attack, or inserted into his body, I think, as mentioned below. But he does hold it in the palm of his hand at one point without being injured, so.


Like the other Noahs, he heals...quite quickly and easily, when he does get injured. He also doesn't really get sick like most people. He's immune to the AKUMA blood virus, as well as most normal human diseases. The only thing that can make him ill is Innocence poisoning.

Noah's Ability: Pleasure

ALRIGHT here's the fun part, and the one that causes all the confusion! The ability doesn't really have an official name from what I can remember? Most fans seem to call it either Choose or Choice.

BASICALLY how this works is that he can accept or reject any and all matter that is a creation of this world, meaning that he can treat anything solid as a non-solid, and vice versa. This amounts to walking on water or air, or passing through walls. The exception to this is Innocence. Innocence is not a creation of this world, and therefor, is immune to his ability. In camp, I have extended this to anything Holy-based. (As a side note, any sort of holy-based healing abilities will hurt him as well, the same way that Innocence will.) So this includes weapons with Holy/Light-based element, Holy/Light-based attacks, etc. If it comes from the heavens, it's fair game! Apparently precedence has been set that anything demonic, while also not of this world, will not have the same effect, so. :C Sorry.

This is a very fine-tuned ability. He can used it in a number of different creative ways, and had very tight control of it. This means that he can reach into an opponent's body and, for example, rip out their heart without damaging the skin. He's also used it to basically sever someone's arms off.

Another option is to create a vacuum around his opponent, similar to outer space, so that the lack of oxygen and air pressure will suffocate and crush them. He can enter this vacuum himself by more-or-less encasing himself in non-vacuum. Or something like that. This is an ability that he uses very, very rarely, as he only uses it when he damn serious, which is why he's only used it once in camp, and will probably never ever use it again, until something really really big comes up.

As for limitations, like I mentioned, Innocence is one, although it can't really do much about the vacuum part. If there's a limit to how long he can maintain these sorts of things, canon hasn't specified. I like to think that he can't do it forever...? But it's never really come up. As such, in camp, if he does get into fights, I have tried to simply limit the USEFULNESS of maintaining these kinds of attacks. So it is, effectively, an OOC limit rather than an IC limit for the moment, until canon wants to tell me otherwise.

Noah's True Form

Which I have dubbed Unicorn Boy. :B This is a Very Bad Form and not one you ever want to see Tyki in. It means he's gone psychotic, and can think of nothing more than killing Exorcists, and heaven help you if you are in his way. While letting his Noah, Joyd, take over means that he becomes a mindless killing machine, it greatly increases his already formidable battle abilities. His blasts of Dark Matter cause shock waves and can be imbued to his punches and kicks. He can form crazy-creepy tentacles that look like giant centipedes off his back that can strike or bind his opponents. BASICALLY IN THIS FORM HE IS SCARY AS ALL GET OUT and I don't ever plan to use this form in camp, unless it's plot related, but that would have to be one hell of a plot for me to use it, since if I did, it would mean someone HAS to kill him, or nearly kill him. It's never really made clear how he gets out of that form, since he falls to Cross' attacks and then the Earl comes and rescues him before he gets dead. So. BUT I INCLUDE IT HERE ANYWAY JUST IN CASE.
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