I'm in a complaining mood. deal.

Mar 22, 2006 16:05

So far this week has been pretty sucky.

- I didn't do that well at tryouts today. I'm scared I wont make it.
- This is the worst week to be busy. There is so much going on this week and I am going fucking nuts.
- No matter how much sleep I get I am always tired. Don't even say I look tired because that will make me more pissed.
- The fucking career lady needs to email Mr.Kelly the times for my jobshadow on Friday. I need to know tomorrow. Slutbag.
- I need to go on a diet. It will be hard to cut back on coffee. I'm a coffeeaholic. But, I didn't drink any this morning. Also, no more pizza at school for a bit. I workout at gym and then tennis. When people stop teIling you that you are skinning that means something. Bottom line. I want to lose weight.
- I hate when people say things for me. Like when they say "Oh she did this and this." And they say something that isnt all that true and I have to go along with it. Whatever.
- Guys will always be confusing. No matter how old we get, they will never change. 
- Geometry is retarted. Mr. Velevis (how ever you spell it) doesn't teach us well. Everyone does sucky on the test and quizzes. Yea, maybe that should tell you something teacher. Yea, good bye straight A's for high school.
- I haven't read my book, This Lullaby, in so long. I never have time to read for fun. Atleast we are reading a good book for once in English (Night).

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