Nov 30, 2005 19:22
my name is josh (clap clap) i give great hugs (clap clap)
haha LMAO..we laugh everytime...god hahahahahha
BrunetteInStyl [7:17 P.M.]: he is so gay (like the real gay) ...and he has BIG ASS MAN BOOBS!
AEchika121 [7:17 P.M.]: lol
AEchika121 [7:17 P.M.]: there bigger than mine
BrunetteInStyl [7:17 P.M.]: haha
BrunetteInStyl [7:17 P.M.]: oh god im like dying rite now
AEchika121 [7:17 P.M.]: lol
AEchika121 [7:17 P.M.]: seriously mine AND yours couldnt beat his
haha that was a little piece of our sweet convo about that kid...haha oh man..yea we are mean lol