well if you must know....

Jul 16, 2006 17:51

this past week has been...interesting.
Oh Yeah! before i forget, josh almost got me in trouble the week before last. after i got off of work, i went over to his house for a little while, then we went to lindis or a while, then while driving down the road, josh starts throwing firecrackers out my car window. stupid bastard. nah actualy i was the one who told him to throw them, but then again he was the one that threw one off of the 74 221 bypass bridge, so.... yeah.
for all those who are interested in my week, keep reading. for all those who dont care, keep reading (you need all the practice you can get)
on monday i got off of work early so i could go to the movies with aron crotts, and julia morgan. as it turns out, julia would rather go tubeing that spend time with us, so aron and i went with out her and saw pirates of the carribean 2. it was a pretty cool movie. the special effects were good, but a little over done.
the rest of my week was pretty boring except for wednesday when i found out that some cops wanted to talk to me. turns out they only fined me 10$ for hit and run. actually it was just for hitting someones trailer, adn bending the fender and axel alittle nothing big.
on tuesday evening, i went and hung out at with the cast of camelot (sp).
on thursday evening, same thing.
then on friday i finaly went to the movies with julia. my parents were a litle upset that i spent most of the day with her. we werent to gether that long. just from bout 12:30 till bout ten at night, nothing big. but yeah we went and saw Little Man. thats an ... interesting movie to say the least. but still funny. i ate two packs of gummy bears. theyre good.
i was talking with my mom yesturday, adn everything i said about julia, she turned it around to make it seem like i was hitting on her. i will admit though, i did actualy do that a few times. (not fisicaly of course) but my mom has been going on about how i should ask julia out. (i really think my mom wants me to ask her) she goes on about how different from caitlin she is, and how much of a better person she is than me, and how it would be good for me too aswell. "she(julia) just might do you some good and rub off on you"... et certa. blah blah blah and all that other stuff parents say.
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