First Peach

Aug 18, 2010 23:51

[Tonight, a young girl can be found wandering the streets of Adstring in a confused sight, her bright pink hair a stark contrast to the gloomy world around her. After appraising the world around her for several minutes, she resigns herself to standing in a singular position in the middle of the street in a stance that appears that she is praying. After a moment a bright light erupts from her body engulfing the surrounding area in a light blue.]

Hilbert Effect activate!

[As the light fades a disappointed looks rushes over the young girl's face, what ever the light was meant to illuminate clearly was no where to be found in the immediate area. She begins trudding forward again, seemingly lost in the gloom of the world around her, offering a cry to the darkness on occasional moments.]

Mommy! Ziggy! Where are you?!

a world of fear, engulfed by darkness, useless skill is useless

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