What I know.....

Jan 02, 2005 20:48

From living life you gather exactly what you know. From the smallest insignificant event you have learned something. It is that fact that shows us life is one learning experience. What you know is not learned in any particular order nor can it be controlled. It is the epitome of chaos.
This is what I know….

I know that:
Time changes everything and change is inevitable.
An individual will only be individual for so long.
When you are born you start to die.
When the time comes you die alone.
Nothing is ever complete.
When the sun sets here it rises elsewhere.
Love does not conquer all.
Nothing lasts forever.
Nothing is foolproof.
Foolproof does not take into account the ingenuity of fools.
Human nature is to survive.
People manipulate others, lie, cheat and steal.
(and) The one person you can trust is yourself….

I also know that:
There are two sides to every story.
There is no such thing as real honest truth.
Some people do in fact mean well.
Nothing is perfect.
Every event is significant.
Love is not to be taken for granted.
No one ever fully trusts another person.
Nothing should ever be taken at face value.
Being trendy sucks but everyone in one way or another is trendy.
Everyone wants to be included.
No one wants to be alone.
Everyone has done something they regret.
Not everyone cares.
Make believe is as real as you can make it.
(and) It is possible for something to go “in one ear and out the other.”

I do not pretend to know everything, nor do I pretend to know what is going to happen. I do not know what I want, or whom I want or what I wish to accomplish....

But I do know that:
Three of a kind beats two pair,
A straight beats three of a kind,
A full house beats a flush,
(and) A royal flush cannot be beaten.
Women are nothing but trouble.
The truth might set you free but most likely will just get you in trouble.
There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow…
Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
People make mistakes.
Love hurts.
No person is complete untill they have had their heart broken.
Faith is something we all have.
Eventually you will be forgotten.
Fear is only in your head.
Everyone has a choice.
Giving up is not an option...

But most of all I know when enough is enough, and that is never.
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