Oct 12, 2004 21:55
If you could be anyone in the world, aside from yourself for one day who would you want to be?
Remember... you are them when you wake up and when you go to sleep that night. You are basically you, inside of them. You will be able to knowwhat they know, feel what they feel,want what they want, etc. You will have total control of their body and mind and if you so choose you can shut their thoughts and feelings off and just be you inside of them.
Its a wierd thought... ok... better question, what if everyones lifespan was that of one day?
In the morning you awake as a child and by afternoon you have lived half your life. By the end of the day you have grown old and soon you shall die. What would you do during your time? Its impossible to think of what would go on in just one day. Your prime is all of 4 hours. There would be no time to sit and relax and enjoy anything.
hmm.. just a thought.
Some people say that there is one person for everyone in the world... If that is true that explains totally why there are lesbians. The ratio of woman to men is almost 2:1 I think... So 1:1 man:woman means that 1/2 the women on earth are stuck with their one person being another woman. Right? or is my logic totally off?
Oh, and dont read to much into my theory there cuz it totally doesnt explain gay males.