Go have your good times, I'll sit here at home.

Mar 02, 2004 17:36

I don't know. I've been feeling a bit detached from some of my friends still. Not all of them, just two main ones. Things change, they always do, but still, I would like to think things have changed so much in a few short months. Whenever I start talking to them, I feel like I want to just stop. That I don't want to be around them. I can feel them criticizing me in their thoughts, taking apart every word i'm saying, and then storing it in their memory to spread to their other friends. I know I'm just being overly paranoid, but still, it's a bit unnerving in either case.

I've been feeling like a bad friend lately. To everyone, whether they be an old friend or a newer one. I've become absorbed into my own sad state, and I'm not being very...i don't know, responsive I guess, to other people. Every trip to the mall with my friends has left me feeling worse, and I don't want to be there around them. They'll come to me, complaining about their own stuff, and I'm left with nothing to say. I'm finding it hard to be my normally optimistic self. Lately, this hasn't been bothering me much, but somethign happened on Sunday that made me feel miserable. Sunday, one of my closest friends was telling me about the great time he had at a show. Now, he's been having a bad month, because that seems to be the trend for everyone, so this was a great thing, for him at least. But I don't know. I just couldn't seem to get happy for him. In fact, I was feeling incredibly jealous, and that made me feel worse. What kind of friend can't feel good about one of her best friend's happiness? A bad one.

In other less complaining words, I watched the Oscars on sunday. All four hours of them. I love watching them and seeing the dresses everyone wears. I know some people weren't happy with LOTR getting nearly everything, but I felt they deserved it. For all those people to devote so much of their life to those movies is amazing, and deserves the recognition they got. Of course, there is another reason why I watched the awards...
Go here and drool.

Johnny Depp. He is pure sex. I love this man to pieces, in the totally omg, he is so hot kind of way. Also, he IS an amazing actor. My mom and I both agree that is quite possibly the hottest guy around, plus he's 40 and looks half his age. Amazing.
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