
Apr 04, 2006 08:27

I had the weirdest nights sleep last night

I lay in my bed for 2 hours last night tossing and turning, trying to find a different way to sleep to see if it sent me into a dream. But nothing seemed to work, and I was still awake at 1130. I have this weird pet peeve before I sleep, I need my phone time and my clock time to be exactly the same, then I look at them before I sleep and then I actually sleep. I guess because I like knowing exactly what time I fell into unconsciousness. But last night.. Nothing. I managed to get about 20 minutes sleep but then woke up again. I kept thinking about my birthday coming up on Friday, I kept thinking of my outfit and the fact that I need to buy some black trousers today. I kept thinking about MOS and the fact that I'll probably need to wear my new sunglasses inside in case of strobes. I thought of the fact that I will be using a proper id for the first time and how awesome it's going to feel (.. and how much it would suck if they called it a fake.) That made me think, what id do I bring? I need to actually get one this week. Anyway, finally fell to sleep at around 1ish, perhaps I've just been getting too much sleep

I'm sitting on my balcony at the moment, since I am awake so god damn early, the sun is barely out and the temperature is perfect. I don't sit out here enough, and I'll probably regret not going out in the sun much when I get to Uni. It's going to be such a hot day today, there is not one cloud in the sky
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