uber long survey/quiz thing

May 24, 2005 15:05

Your gender:: female
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight
Single? .. its complicated
If not, do you want to be?: i am for the most part
Birthdate:: 11/1/88
Your age:: 16
Age you act:: i dunno..depends on my mood
Age you wish you were:: back in time and so i could relive all this correctly
Your height:: 5"6-7
Eye color:: blue
Happy with it?: i really like my eyes, but id kill for like amazing green ones too
Hair color:: brown
Happy with it?: most days lol
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: righty
Your living arrangement:: fam house
Your family:: mom dad matt zach savannah me jon rose rem hunter madison.. wheww!
Have any pets?: stupid jessie
Whats your job?: the library hopefully, babysitting, possibly somewhere else in town till i get my license
Piercings?: ears
Tattoos?: noo
Obsessions?: boys :)
Addictions?: boys
Do you speak another language?: un peu francais
Have a favorite quote?: i dunno
Do you have a webpage?: um this livejournal and a myspace and a picture thing
Do you live in the moment?: sometimes
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: pretty much
Do you have any secrets?: lol yes
Do you hate yourself?: sometimes
Do you like your handwriting?: most days
Do you have any bad habits?: would you like me to list them?
What is the compliment you get from most people?: "i love your eyes" "your hair is SO SHINY!!"
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: crazy beyond reason/the big flirt
what's your biggest fear?: hurting someone/being hurt
Can you sing?: yes i guess i have a "very amazing voice"
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: .. i dont understand
Are you a loner?: sometimes
What are your #1 priorities in life?: work hard and get stuff done, and get boys
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: haha prolly not for long
Are you a daredevil?: fssahhh
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: i hate when im mean and when im intolerant and when im too shy to do something i need to do
Are you passive or agressive?: depends on my mood :)
Do you have a journal?: yep
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: i'm a people person...i'm very self critical
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: make me more compassionate and outgoing
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: depends
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: oh yah
Do you think life has been good so far?: for the most part
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: i'm still learning it
What do you like the most about your body?: umm i like my eyes and hair
And least?:everything else
Do you think you are good looking?: nah
Are you confident?: sometimes
What is the fictional character you are most like?: i dunno
Are you perceived wrongly?: sometimes

Do You...

Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper?: COMICS!
Pray?: no
Go to church?: no
Talk to strangers who IM you?: no
Sleep with stuffed animals?: yes! i love my bear!
Take walks in the rain?: love it
Talk to people even though you hate them?: nope
Drive?: NO DAMMIT!!!!
Like to drive fast?: mmhmm...if I could

Would or Have You Ever?

Liked your voice?: sure
Hurt yourself?: not intentionally
Been out of the country?: yea
Eaten something that made other people sick?: not that I know of
Been in love?: yes
Done drugs?: no
Gone skinny dipping?: no, but I want to
Had a medical emergency?: no
Had surgery?: yes
Ran away from home?: no
Played strip poker?: Strip go fish!!!
Gotten beaten up?: nope
Beaten someone up?: nah
Been picked on?: HECK YES
Been on stage?: yah
Slept outdoors?: yea!
Thought about suicide?: yes .. not recently
Pulled an all nighter?: of course......STUPID AP WORLD HISTORY
If yes, what is your record?: 23 hours....
Gone one day without food?: no, I sould never
Talked on the phone all night?: no
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yes....but it was my cousin NOTHING GROSS HAPPENED AND I DON'T LIKE HIM THAT WAY...
Slept all day?: most of the day
Killed someone: no
Made out with a stranger?: nope
Had sex with a stranger?: NOPE
Thought you're going crazy?: i know it lol
kissed the same sex?: yes, but not passionately, or even on the lips
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: nope
Been betrayed?: many a time
Had a dream that came true?: no
Broken the law?: not that I know of
Met a famous person?: sure..david beckham in FRANCE!!<---SO NOT FAIR LIZAFART...No, I have not (sadly)
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: probably stepped on a worm
On purpose?:Yeah...spiders, bees and ants
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: possibly.. probably not
Stolen anything?: yeah, but it wasn't from a store or anything...it was a pencil
Been on radio/tv?: mhmm
Been in a mosh-pit?: no........
Had a nervous breakdown?: Yes.....again stupid AP World History
Bungee jumped?: want to...but I'm scared
Had a dream that kept coming back?: YES AND THEY WERE SCARY


Belive in life on other planets?: yea
Miracles?: yes
Astrology?: yes
Magic?: yes
God?: ...depends on which "God" you're talking about
Satan?: no
Santa?: my parents are real!<---perfect Liz!
Ghosts?: yes
Luck?: both good and bad
Love at first sight?: yes
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: Yes....completely and totally, otherwise my whole belief system would crash to a halt
Witches?: yup
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: beyond forever
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: i wish
Do you wish on stars?: of course

Deep Theological Questions

Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: no
Do you think God has a gender?: no
Do you believe in organized religion?: no
Where do you think we go when we die?: I think we're reborn...so, earth again


Who is your best friend?: hm...probably Josh
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: I dont' really know...probably my sister
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: for improvising...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MISTAKE
Your favorite inside joke?: Try it...you won't, and powned!
Thing you're picked on most about?: Who I used to have a crush on
Who's your longest known friend?: my sister
Newest?: LIZ STEELE!!!
Shyest?: Evan
Funniest?: Brandon
Sweetest?: Kristy, Glenna and Annie
Weirdest?: Liz
Smartest?: Kenny or Josh
Ditziest?: Julie
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Josh, Evan, Glenna and Liz!
Last person you talked to online?: Annie...I think
Who do you talk to most online?: LIZ!!!!
Who are you on the phone with most?: no one recently
Who do you trust most?: my sister and Josh
Who listens to your problems?: Josh
Who do you fight most with?: Stephanie(but, I can't count her as a friend)
Who's the nicest?: all of them are
Who's the most scene? ??
Who's the most outgoing?: I don't know Luka probably
Who's the best singer?: Liz, Sara and Kristy
Who's on your crap-list?: Stephanie
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: yeah...guy only though
Who's your second family?: THE KEMPS
Do you always feel understood?: unfortunatly no
Who's the loudest friend?: Julie....haha
Do you trust others easily?: sometimes
Who's house were you last at?: Sara's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: only one....well, it'll be more: Josh's, Evan's, Kenny's and believe it or not people...Ansel's
Do your friends know you?: Mostly, yes

Who Was the Last Person...

That haunted you?: I don't know
You wanted to kill?: Not going there
That you laughed at?: Andrew
That laughed at you?: Liz
You went shopping with?: parental units
That broke your heart?: Marcus
To disappoint you?: James Moses
To make you cry?: in a good way or a bad way...good way: Josh...bad way:Evan (but he's still my friend, and he didn't mean to)
To brighten up your day?: Evan...he redeems himself often
You saw a movie with?: Ian, Evan and a whole bunch of people at Glenna's house
You talked to on the phone?: dad
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Annie
You saw?: Brandon
You lost?: as in died...my aunt

Right This Moment...

Are you going out?: nope
Will it be with your significant other?: WHAT ONE...?
Or some random person?: nope
What are you wearing right now?: PJ bottoms and a nice top...don't ask me why, I just felt like it
Body part you're touching right now: the underside of my knee because it itched
What are you worried about right now?: my sanity
What book are you reading?: Romeo and Juliet
What's on your mousepad?: "D'Arcy", "'cello", a picture of a cello and a bow and a whole bunch of musical notes...
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: alone, sad, cold, scared, worried
Are you bored?: yup
Are you tired?: yup
Are you talking to anyone online?: Julie
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: nope
Are you lonely or content?: pretty lonely
Are you listening to music?: no
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