Jan 20, 2006 01:32

Yeah i should probably be sleeping. eh oh well

«75 questions
Repost this but tell the truth
What have YOU done... BE TRUTHFUL!!!

1. smoked a cigarette - not an entire one
2. smoked a cigar - yep
3. made out with a member of the same sex - ha...yeah it's happened
4. crashed a friend's car - nope! crashed mine, thats it
5. stolen a car - haha paola and i stole mandas car once to go for a DD run when we were bored..oo we regretted that.
6. been in love - yes

7. been dumped - unnfortunately
8. shoplifted - only earrings lol like that makes it any better

9. been fired - nope

10. been in a fist fight - me? yeah

11. snuck out of ur house - never out of mine. it's way too hard

12. had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - pretty sure everyone has
13. been arrested - nope
14. made out with a stranger- that's my claim to fame haha

15. gone on a blind date - naw

16. lied to a friend - probably but never about anything big

17. had a crush on a teacher - nope

18. skipped school - classes yes, school only once or twice

19. slept w/ a co worker - cant say i have

20.seen someone die - Nope

21. been on a plane - yesss loove it

22. thrown up in a bar - I think so at bar one but i dont remember

23. taken painkillers - just the usuals someone or miss someone right now - miss someone, yeah lots of people

25. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - soo peaceful. yepp

26. made a snow angel - obviously

27. played dress up - duh, i AM a girl

28. cheated while playing a game - probably

29. been lonely - it's a sucky feeling

30. fallen asleep at work/school - enter my senior i fall asleep all the time
31. used a fake id - nope

32. felt an earthquake - not that i can recall
33. touched a snake - yeah. they actually dont really scare me

34. ran a red light - probably
35. been suspended from school- nope
36. had detention - nope..teachers looved me...kinda..the principal did thats all that mattered

37. been in a car accident - unfortunately

38. hated the way you look- uh huh

39. witnessed a crime- i suppose, but just smoking and drinking

40. pole danced - lol not seriously

41. been lost - basically my life right there
42. been to the opposite side of the country- yup

43. felt like dying - briefly, but it's passed

44. cried yourself to sleep - yeah...many times

45. played cops and robbers - not that i remember lol

46. karaoke -'s mad fun

47. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - ha, yes
48. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- actually no i never have

49. caught a snowflake on your tongue - o yes
50. kissed in the rain -'s cute :)

51. sing in the shower - alllll the time, but i cant at college :(
52. made love in a park - mmmmm....yeah that was pretty much our #1 spot hahaha

53. had a dream that you married someone - yeah, but they're never very realistic

54. glued your hand to something - lol no

55. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole- noope

56.worn the opposite sex's clothes - yepp

57. been a cheerleader - fuuuuuuuuuck no

58. sat on a roof top - yeah it's a nice place to think

59. didn't take a shower for a week - ewww god no

60. ever to scared to watch scary movies alone- why the fuck would you ever do that?!

61. played chicken - noo i hate water
62. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yep my pool parties lol

63. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - uh huh
64. broken a bone - noope

65. been easily amused - o god yes

66. laugh so hard you cry - def

67. mooned/flashed someone - i dont think so?
68. cheated on a test - yea

69. forgotten someone's name - haha yepp
70. slept naked - once or twice prolli

71. gone skinny dipping in a pool - not in a pool

72. been kicked out of your house - nope

73. blacked out from drinking - many times :-\

74. played a prank on someone - probably yeah

75. played poker- neverr i kinda wanna learn

Sooo...Tonight was really fun. Em and Sara and I went to Chili's and I had th ebst dessert but i couldn't finish it...soo yummy..chocolate cake ah love it. Then we went back to em's house and it was 4 hours of paul walker. Pretty much an instant orgasm..he's so fucking hott. Then Sara left and Em and I had some girl talk and it was nice. I kinda wish I'd been able to sleep over, but my dad needed the car first thing in the morning and Em was leavin in the morning and le's face it..I don't wak eup early. But it was cool hanging out with her. I've hung out with Sara like every day this week haha minus last night because she was sick. So I left Em's at about 1 then I went driving around town for a bit because I wasn't ready to go home yet and I fucking love my car lol. So i got home like a half hourish later. It was nice. I had some time to reflect and for once it didn't make me sad. Just determined to do this one thing that I should have done like two months ago. Or something. And whatever the outcome I'm just gonna be glad i fuckin did it. Nice pep talk eh? Tomorrow should be cool. I'm waking up, finishing packing then going food shopping with michael then going out for sushiiii with sara and the rents. Yummy :) Afterwards I'll see if I can squeeze some time in with a certain frat boy, but I dunno if it's gonna happen which sucks bc he's goin to australia in like two weeks. Oh Well.

NEws flash of the day. Charlie's joining the Marines. Seriously, wtf is up with me and military men. First my ex, now my best friend. He asked me if we'd hook up befor ehe left and I said no, but nice try and he's like what about when i come back and I was like once you're a Marine the chances go from slim to none to hell fucking no. Like I'll ever sleep with a Marine again. I think not. Too intense. Air, we'll see. It IS a completely different branch, after all. haha. Omg I can't fuckin wait to go back to school. Not that I don't like home...I just hate being restricted and everyone's gone except me em and sara. You can only go out to the movies or to dinner so many times before it gets boring, not to mention expensive! And I just found out my swissy is gonna be there tomorrow night so I'm VERY excited to see my foreign boy.

So last night I had this weird ass dream about Tom. I can't really remember it except I woke up and was like what the fuck just happened. I'm mad because I wanna go visit the Uconn girls, but I guess they're not all friends anymore? So I don't know how to split my time :-\ Maybe I'll tag along with Dani one night an djust play it by ear lol. Speaking of Danielle, I might be going to Florida with her during spring break! Excited? Ohhh yeah. I heart beaches and getting dark when it's still cold out ;-) Not quite Aruba, but it'll do.

Anyway this got ridiculously long ridiculously fast so I'm leaving. Byeeee :)
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