Last Saturday, I marched in my final game in Arizona Stadium. Like, the LAST ONE. It was against our rival school...I forget the name...something about devils. Anywho. We WON for the first time since my FRESHMAN YEAR. God, that's a long effing time ago. I mean, we crushed them. 31-10. I got to do the Tuba Dance and play in Skybox Band and we did KANYE and it was the ultimate game experience. And I took about 100 pictures, no joke. But seriously, we won, which meant that the team would go to the Las Vegas Bowl on December 20. Honestly, we played Viva Las Vegas 50 times that night.
That was exciting and all. And sad. Really sad. Because, I would never get to do it again. Ever.
Except, you know, AT THE LAS VEGAS BOWL. Turns out, athletics has agreed to take the entire Pride of Arizona. They're leaving Tucson on Thursday night just in time to conflict with my College of Nursing graduation on Friday afternoon. That evening, they'll be possibly having the Band Banquet and staying the night at the Venetian. Seriously, people.
The Venetian. Then, the following day will be filled with tailgaiting fun and the bowl game at 5pm, the same day as my massive Commencement Ceremony. We have time to perform at pre-game AND half time. HOLY!
Decisions, decisions. I made them.
I'll be going to my nursing graduation and walking, hitching a ride with my amazing parents to the airport and flying to Vegas, grabbing a shuttle of some sort to the hotel, and walking in dressed to the nines fashionably late to the banquent. I'll be missing my big Commencement and I've heard reactions from "you're stupid" to "you've seen it already" to "your dad and I never walked". But, to be completely honest, it's not that difficult of a decision. I've been to many a winter commencement and I'll be graduating in a more intimate setting the day before. Sure, I won't be throwing tortillas that I've hidden in my bra, but I'll be screaming my head of for the team I love with my favorite people in the world. I'll also, sadly, be missing part of the banquet (if they decide to do it then) even with the time change thanks to travel issues. But, in the words of Jeremy Young, I've gotten MVP already. Whatevs. They just better save me some food. Venetian chocolate cake probably trumps the Union's any day.
So, turn on your television at 5pm (Pacific Time!) to ESPN and watch the Wildcats take on BYU and know that I am there probably having the best couple days of my life.
Crap, now I have to find a dress worthy of The Strip and to hide under my cap and gown.