I've had this weird sore throat since Sunday when all the wind in the world decided to raid Tucson and threaten to rain, but it didn't because that's just how it goes here. I though, "Hey, these are some pretty sexy allergies."
Then Tuesday it was still around, but it felt more cold-like, so I was all, "Aw crap, here we go. I knew I couldn't be Super Immune Girl forever."
And now, here I am. It's Wednesday night. I have this itty bitty cough every once and a while, I sort of have to blow my nose, and I'm slightly congested. This is not a typical Lindsay Cold. This is a JOKE. Or allergies. Which one?! No, I don't care really. Can they just both go away? And I've had a headache every day for like a week straight and I had this thing in band today where I felt all pukey and had to sit out.
So, I went for a run this morning to see if I could shake the headache and wake myself up and get going to the point of actually running three miles straight again (I can't believe I've actually gone up to 7!?). And things were better than last time. My legs felt great, I felt weightless and bouncy, and things were looking up as I jammed to OneRepublic. And then I had to turn around to go home after a mile and go uphill. Yeah. Running still sucks balls. Can we skip this part and get to the real stuff? Case in point:
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Also, have I mentioned today that I really hate my honors thesis? No?
Miles run today: just 2
Miles run in November: just 6
Push-ups: Are you kidding? Bite me!
Grossness Factor: Mmm...slightly less. Try half a trillion today. Barf.
I can't wait to feel normal again.