There is a specific day of the year that exists just to scare the bejebus out of me: my Half Birthday. Not only has it been EXACTLY SIX MONTHS since my last birthday, it's EXACTLY SIX MONTHS until my next. That's not scary? Oh...
It all began back in 2005 when I FREAKED OUT Lindsay style and decided that nursing was the better choice. Of course, had that Lindsay known what the past few weeks have been like, I'm sure she may have been a tad bit reluctant. Death by massive lab reports was not her favorite form of torture back during freshman year. I'm also quite sure that Lindsay got about eight hours of sleep every night that year and that her roommate thought she was some sort of inhuman loner. Thankfully, most blog posts from that year are "Friends Only," therefore shielding me from most ridicule. But,
this one isn't. I was 19, give me a break.
Fast forward a year. It's 2006. I'd just spent a year with the Pride of Arizona, far too many months brooding over a silly boy, a weekend at staff auditions only to learn that I'd be starting my first year as clarinet section leader that fall, and the entire month of February as emo as ever. See, I had just applied for nursing school, and in complete Lindsay fashion I was wary of the outcome. That particular day, I learned that my 90 year-old grandmother was dying. After about a week of stalking the USPS man, I had run home to my apartment/mailbox. And there it was. A ridiculously thick envelope, the return address from the University of Arizona College of Nursing. Shaking uncontrollably, I somehow made my way back into my car where I proceeded to mutilate it open and once again FREAK OUT Lindsay style. About an hour later, I learned that my grandmother had passed away, not long after my parents told her of my acceptance. Oh, the
melodrama that was my sophomore year.
In 2007, this particular day passed like any other- like a transitional day, much like the rest of the year. No significant beginnings or endings (except for perhaps the nanny extravaganza), comfortable, with tragedies (deaths) and victories (footballs) and really weird experiences with dating in between (you don't need names). Unlike the rest of 2007, however, this day left me almost disappointed in the lack of excitement. My little personal Day of Life-Changing Events and superstition had left me with an ordinary day of my med-surg clinical rotation. And a half a year
It just so happens, that my Half Birthday is today. March 6. The Day of Life-Changing Events.
This year, I didn't require a FREAK OUT Lindsay style. I had an interview, and had I been more superstitious, I may have gone into today a little less worried. This wasn't an ordinary interview- it was one for a summer internship at a hospital I would love to work for after I graduate, one that requires a contract after you get your degree. This is a plus- I'll take that foot in the door and the job security where I can take it. Sure, you can get a job anywhere as a nurse, but I wanted this job. This one.
And I was hired. On March 6. Summer intern. RN after December 2008. My future right there set in stone. No questions, no waiting. No sinus infections, no dead grandmothers, no emotional breakdowns. Just closure and a simple, "would you like to work with us?"
Now, is that scary?
If that's not, I think the fact that I'm 22.5 years old today is scary enough.