My Ongoing Job Search

Nov 02, 2009 15:22

Well, my job search continues as my two month anniversary of unemployment quietly comes and goes.  I've had five interviews so far and two seem very encouraging.  I'm hoping those two will lead to a second interview in the very near future (as in any day now *hint* dear Lord please *hint*).

I'm trying to stay optomistic but the reality of the situation is, there really are no library jobs to be had in Ohio.   The funding was cut so drastically it's a miracle any library can stay open.  If I want to work in a public library, then I'm going to have to move.  Which I'm willing to do provided I get paid enough to live in a new place (come on Virginia!).

It's a scary but exciting prospect.  On one hand, I've never lived far from family and the idea of no one around to help should I need it is very scary.  On the other hand, the opportunity to really be on my own and to see what kind of person I am and the new people and challenges I will meet/have is thrilling.  I'm old enough that it's time I run away from home.

I'm really hoping for a second interview with Virginia.  It sounds like a challenge and a lot of fun.  And the idea of living downtown is also very appealing.  I just want them to call about a second interview!!!!

I'll go for now.  Just wanted to air my worries/excitement.
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