2 years, 43things

Mar 15, 2009 15:33

My 43Things profile turns two years old in a few days, and I thought I'd take a minute to reflect on the things I've accomplished (and managed to commit to the internet) over that time. In (kind of) chronological order and including a brief statement of my feelings about each item, followed by verbose commentary:

25. get two jobs Worth it

24. wake up before 11am daily Not worth it

23. figure out tattoo idea Worth it

22. write a song for PLQ graduation Worth it

21. send kiimara a friendly message Not worth it

20. post this list to 43 things Worth it

19. complete my myspace profile Not worth it

18. paint one painting Worth it

17. find a transmission for my car Worth it

16. order Gloom Worth it

15. turn 20 Worth it

14. move back to cleveland Worth it

13. beat guitar hero 2 Worth it

12. save $800 for guatemala by mid may Worth it

11. write at least one short story Worth it

10. find an image for myself Worth it

9. make clothes to fit this image Worth it

8. be bitter, lonely, and misanthropic Worth it

7. relearn how to write poetry Worth it

6. learn one song on guitar Worth it

5. take dance lessons Worth it

4. hang out with katie (skyra) this year Worth it

3. (get) visit(ed) (by) cassie Not worth it

2. become a volunteer at the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Worth it

1. learn to play the ukulele Worth it

#25-#20 and #12: Except for #24 and #12, these all initially existed as a list I wrote while in Guatemala. If you do the math, that means that I'd had a profile for about 5 months before I ever posted anything meaningful to it. Which is why #20 is what it is. Getting two jobs is what funded the trip in the first place, and while I was there, I did accomplish all of those things (except 24, which didn't apply at the time since I was getting up at 7 every day anyway). I'm very sad to say that the song I wrote and performed for my graduation does not exist in any recorded format. I had the only existing file on my flash drive, which I left in a net cafe and returned not 10 minutes later to find it gone. Alas! I sent Kiimara a most inappropriate myspace message while I was there, which, of course, I never got a response to. It is always a bad idea to insist on talking to a person who explicitly told you to get out of their life, especially when you act all nonchalant with a "hey, how's it goin?" tone. Really bad idea. Wish I could say that was the last time I did that. Bad times. The tattoos, however, did evolve to be bitchin. AND!!!! I might actually get them done soon! For free! WOO! I have to dig up the notebook I drew them in and revise a bit, but hot damn. I spent a good deal of the time I was in Mexico doing research and coming up with somethings both timeless and personally significant. I am pleased and excited.

#19 complete my myspace profile: Myspace is stupid. Despite that, I was so desperate that Myspace seemed like a balmy oasis of social interaction compared with the barren desert of North Carolinian wilderness. Needless to say, I abandoned this idea not long after it's realization and set my sights on better means of socializing - specifically OKCupid. WHICH! I might add, yielded concrete results and facilitated the meeting of one of my now dearest friends.

#18 paint one painting: Visual art and I do not get along. I have some talent with a camera, and I know the science behind a lot of different media. But you will not find me spending my free time with a set of pencils or a pile of clippings. Symmetry, however, was getting into painting hardcore and insisted I paint at least once. I actually really enjoyed it - I painted a pretty decent looking rhinoceros, I must say.

#17 find a transmission for my car: Ironically, not long after replacing that transmission, I did not find it was worth it. It cost a lot of money and I soon learned to hate the shit out of that car. It was a good lesson in learning what I like in a car, but it was not pleasant. Ironically-er, had I not fixed the transmission, my life would have taken a remarkably different path. I mean, really really different. A lot of truly unexpected events transpired specifically because I had that car, and I gained a lot from the results. I never really noticed the significance of that until now...

#16 order Gloom: Gloom is a really freakin cool novelty card game that I found online, thanks to Order Of The Stick. I was in Guatemala when I learned about this game and came very close to getting it while there, but the postal system wouldn't hear of it. I recommend at least looking it up online; the concept is pretty entertaining. I really need to figure out where it is.

#15 turn 20: This is pretty insignificant. I wrote it mainly as a joke, since I didn't plan on dying before the age of 20 and we all know that death only comes when you're ready.

#14 move back to cleveland: Though it's impossible to imagine what would happen if we'd done one thing and not another, I seriously can't imagine that continuing to live in NC would've been anywhere near as wonderful for me as moving back to Cleveland. Since the day I came back, I've loved it. And though this winter has been one of the worst in memory, I can't think of anywhere I'd rather live right now. Thank you to everyone here who's made living here again so enjoyable. And fuck you, Nick, for leaving.

#13 beat guitar hero 2: Few things that don't matter have made me feel as badass as beating Guitar Hero 2. I've definitely beaten Free Bird 4 or 5 times on Expert. Of course, I haven't picked up a plastic guitar in a very long time, and I never did beat GH3, but still, that game has a place in my heart.

#11 write at least one short story and #7 relearn how to write poetry: I actually have no idea what short story #11 is referring to. I gave up writing a long time ago, for all occasions except NaNoWriMo. I'm still inspired to write from time to time, but I've come to understand that my creative energy doesn't flow in prose like I used to think.

#10 find an image for myself and #9 make clothes to fit this image: At the time, I had settled on a certain clothing style that I thought would really work - I would be both attractive and accurately expressive and would be able to continue in the fashion for quite some time and I would learn how to sew and make these garments myself. False. I have, however, stumbled upon and really freakin nice hat at Target and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. I think I have, with minimal effort and some degree of chance, entered into a fool-proof style of clothing that will, at the very least, work as a default in nearly any situation. And I'm pretty damn pleased with that. I really like this hat. I am wearing it right now. Indoors.

#8 be bitter, lonely, and misanthropic: I actually got a couple cheers and comments for this goal. I really enjoy indulgence, which I guess is the point.

#6 learn one song on guitar: While my love for guitar has wilted dramatically since I met the ukulele, I still have this goal as my initial plunge into my dream of musicianship. And how wonderful of Jeff Magnum to write such simple songs that any Neutral Milk Hotel fan can learn to play.

#5 take dance lessons: Two things about dancing: Dancing well makes people want to have sex with you. Learning how to dance well is really hard. I mean, it's also fun, but I don't have it in me right now to stick it out.

#4 hang out with katie (skyra) this year: Hanging out with Katie was great. So great, in fact, that I did it twice! I can't recall ever having a bad experience meeting with my friends from the internet, and as my longest standing such friend, it definitely met the hype. I've always thought it pretty funny that when you've known someone for so long online (in this case, 5 years) but have never met, finally seeing them is the least dramatic thing ever. And it's not because you're not excited. But, I mean, you already know so much. It's not like meeting a new friend at all. It's like hanging out with anyone you've known intimately for years. But getting to do all the things you always said "it would be so cool if we could do blah, but you're like a million miles away" is definitely the shit.

#3 (get) visit(ed) (by) cassie: This is a sad goal because, at the time of writing, Cassie was a really good friend of mine. Unfortunately, my hindsight tells me that the person I became close to then was just passing by because the Cassie I was friends with then is not the Cassie who exists now.

#2 become a volunteer at the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center: This specific goal is a very important milestone in my life and marks a period of growth I'm very proud of. I really can't say that the center has changed me a lot or that I've learned something life-changing. My work there is largely the manifestation of the myriad experiences that have taught me something about sexuality and community and compassion and humanity. It's not easy and it's not fun and it sure as hell isn't uplifting most of the time, but aside from being important work in the obvious sense, it has special significance to me and keeps me connected with the events and people that have helped me grow. It's also awesome when my friends introduce me with "he volunteers at a rape crisis center" and I get to blast right through the "automatic asshole cause you're male" barrier.

#1 learn to play the ukulele: O, ukulele. I wish I could say that the band Beirut had no influence on my playing the uke. Actually, I really don't give a shit. But. It is true that I love Beirut and that I love the uke. Perhaps one of the greatest investments of my time and money in my life. The ukulele for me is not just a fun instrument to strum at and a really easy way to get people to talk to me. It is what I do when I am bored. It is what I do when I am sad. It is what I do when I am happy. When I have a bad day, I play it. When I have a good day, I play it. I'm not sure if I can express how important and wonderful and exciting to me this instrument is without strings of choppy sentences. I just...really fuckin like the ukulele. It feels like a part of me. The end.

...for real. The end.
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