god i want to die...

Jan 06, 2005 18:40

outsideofinertia: :-):-):-):-)
diamondswhearts: i can't talk ok?
diamondswhearts: i'm really upset right now
outsideofinertia: why :-(
diamondswhearts: i called my sister a cunt and my mom got pissed at me and i learned that word from my sister but do you see her getting in trouble? and my mom doesn't believe that my sister has NEVER used that word when she has! and no one ever believes me...even when i'm telling the truth and my sister always gets her fucking way...i can't wait until she moves out...i will not miss her fucking bitch
diamondswhearts: and now my mom took my sister out to dinner instead of me
diamondswhearts: i'm just going to give up on trying to earn back everyone's trust and respect because it's not worth it...it just always turns around on me and i'm fucking sick of it
diamondswhearts: and whenever my sister says something about my make up or hair cut my mom always takes her fucking side
diamondswhearts: like i was trying to just you know just...like...try and just hang out w/ my mom or something or just have an actual mother/daughter coversation but my sister always has to have the last word....and i'm about ready to just leave cause no one cares about me...cause if they did they wouldn't act the way they act
diamondswhearts: ok i'm done now
diamondswhearts: wow that felt good to get that out in the open
outsideofinertia: that's awful
diamondswhearts: yea
diamondswhearts: but hey...when i graduate i'm out of this fucking house..that's all i can say for sure
diamondswhearts: and i'm never going to give them my new address or number i'm leaving and i don't care if they don't if i'm dead or alive cause frankly they wouldn't care
diamondswhearts: they say they do but they sure do show a nice way of caring
diamondswhearts: wait...i messed that up
diamondswhearts: they say they do...well they sure do have a nice way of showing it
diamondswhearts: so right now my 2 main emotions i'm having are sadness but then that turns into fury
diamondswhearts: my sister just called cause she wanted to know what i wanted at the resteraunt but i said i don't want anything i'm not hungry and i just hung up the phone
diamondswhearts: i lost my apetite
diamondswhearts: appetite*
diamondswhearts: fuck it i don't know how to spell it right now and i don't care
diamondswhearts: and i put on all of this make up for nothing
diamondswhearts: and now my eyeliner's just washing away from all of my tears
diamondswhearts: god and now my dad's trying to act like he's the boss of me...that fucker can't do shit to help me stupid cunt
outsideofinertia: you're really weird
diamondswhearts: why?
diamondswhearts: just cause my llife suxx
outsideofinertia: because you're so incredibly emo
diamondswhearts: i'm not
diamondswhearts: i'm just soo fucking pissed that whenever i tell the truth about something no one ever fucking believes me
diamondswhearts: but no they always have to believe ashton just cause she's SOOO great cause she's graguating...oooo big woop! i mean where do you think i learned all of these swear words from in the 1st place
diamondswhearts: i mean most ppl learn them from their family!
diamondswhearts: my mom threatened to put soap in my mouth...she grabbed me by the neck and was about to put soap in my mouth and i almost called her a cunt
outsideofinertia: almost?
diamondswhearts: yes
outsideofinertia: how do you almost do that?
diamondswhearts: i stopped myself
diamondswhearts: look ian i'm just going to go seeing as how you're calling me emo and you don't even care about what problems i'm having...but thankfully i know someone who's online who will..and i know they'll care and they'll listen
diamondswhearts: so i'm just going to say later
outsideofinertia: I care, I'm just saying your over reacting, everyone has these same problems
diamondswhearts: i know...but...god i can't even think right now
diamondswhearts: it's been happening to me for my whole life and i'm sick and tired of it
diamondswhearts: i just want to go someplace where i know i'm welcome and that i can live in harmony w/ ppl who don't care what you say or how you act
diamondswhearts: or how you look
diamondswhearts: because everyone would have had to face the same problems you had to
diamondswhearts: this shithole called a house is just a house and i know not a home
diamondswhearts: i'm done talking now
diamondswhearts: i'm going to go later
outsideofinertia: goodbye

i'm so sick of everyone's bullshit
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