Intro to 6 Week Makeover

Jan 05, 2010 12:38

The diet plan I'm using is Michael Thermond's Six Week Body Makeover. My mother bought it about five years ago and while it seemed to work okay, I wasn't able to successfully complete it at that time. It's quite complicated; you "blueprint" your body and eating habits and get a customized diet plan and alternating work out schedules, which are recommended to be done with the included resistance band. You eat five or six small meals a day and 18-minute alternate exercise patterns, plus about 30-45 minutes of light cardio 6 days a week. You take your weight and measurements each week to record how you've done.

Some basic rules of the diet include no dairy and no salt. My diet plan (Type D) allows red meat, but some do not. Simple carbs (breads, sugars) are not allowed, and some other types cannot have complex either (yams, sweet potato, potato, oatmeal, etc.)

An example day could be

Today's MenuBreakfastSnackLunchSnackDinnerSnack2 oz chicken2 oz hamburger3 oz chicken2 oz Hamburger3 oz halibut2 oz halibut1/2 cup rice1 cup greens1/2 cup rice1 cup Greens1/2 cup potato1/2 cup pineapple  1 cup veggie 2 cups veggie 
 It seems like it can get old FAST, which is pretty true. Recipes are included with the kit to help mix things up, but if you're in a position like I am where you live at a dorm with no kitchen, it's down to the basics. So hopefully my will power is stronger than my boredom.

Water is a large part of the diet as well. The program suggests 100 ounces a day (about 3 liters), so I've got my water bottle ready.

Exercise (DAY 1)

Chin Lift
Middle Back Row
Incline Chess Press
Short Range Chest Fly
Wide Grip Pulldown
Reverse Grip Triceps Pressdown
Abdominal Breathing
Seated Abdominal Crunch
Pelvic Tilt

Exercise (DAY 2)

Posterior Deltoid Fly
Full Range Lateral Deltoid Raise
External Rotator Cuff
Short Range Biceps Curl
Seated Abdominal Crunch
Pelvic Tilt
Standing Glute Squeeze
Hip Abductor-- Toes Out
Abdominal Breathing
Inner Thigh Abductor-- Toe Straight
Inner Thigh Abductor-- Toe Out
Short Range Leg Extensions
Short Range Hamstring Curls

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