2. What the hell? [Action/Voice]

Jul 21, 2009 02:02

[Dean opens his eyes slowly, squinting at the sunlight.

Wait... sunlight?!

Dean sits up in a hurry, then holds his head with one hand as pain stabs through his temples, particularly his left. Specks of dried blood cling to his hand as he pulls it away. He blinks several times and looks around. Between one of the stores and the trashcan behind it, Dean slowly pulls himself up, sore but miraculously alive. He murmurs to himself.] What the hell...

[The last thing he remembers is running with those other three guys toward the cabins. The mandrakes had swarmed them... they got separated... and his aerosol can ran out. He'd started running then... then what?

His head hurts like a bitch, that's for sure. He pulls his PDA out.]

Uh... how long has the sun been out?

And why the hell did I wake up behind a dumpster?

wtf, what happened?, knocked out
