late nights and disco girls

Mar 26, 2011 23:22

Things I am doing instead of things I should be:

+ looking at entry requirements for exchange programs (top choices: UCL, Bristol and Edinburgh) and wow they are high.
+ feeling sad about the passing of Diana Wynne Jones and wondering how soon I can get to my local library to commandeer all copies of her books that I don't already own
+ sitting on my newly made bed and realising all that hoopla about not using your bed to try and work because your body automatically switches into sleep mode is true
+ listening to Amy Meredith and The Killers (specifically, the Murder trilogy: Leave the Bourbon on the Shelf, Midnight Show and Jenny Was a Friend of Mine if you're playing at home).

Tell me something happy that's happened to you today/recently?

i love music, procrastination will be my downfall, i heart books, um no i'm not wasting time

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