Mar 02, 2005 15:13
I think I'm going to die.
THere is too muchs stress my mom is trying to put on me with grades.
I have 3 A's, 2 B's, and I have a D in alg2.
I'm trying my hardest. But noooooo. Not good enough.
If I had one grade that was higher, it would be fine.
But apparently I can drive if I dont have a 3.5 GPA
wtf. Thats a B+ average.
I have a 3.333333 .
Still nott good enough.
I thnk I'm doing really good this semester acutally.
Wrong. I'm a "disapointement" as my mom put it.
Big deal. Algerba 2 is hard.
Shouldnt bring down my life.
Other than that. Life is stupid. And pointless.
I wish there was something I coudl do to magically uncomplicate things.
I wish. lol.
I wish thre was some way I could have a boyfriend that I actually wanted.
Its not liek I'm not getting offers or whatever I guess. I just cant seem to see myself with them.
I actually cant see myself with anyone. Its rather weird.
I want a boyfriend. But I dont think I can?
Idk. You all probably dont understand.
I actualy dont think anyone does. But theres nothing I can do to make them understand.
Nothing seems easy to me anymore.
Everything is just messed up.
I cant even eat right.
I'm skinny again.
Its not cool.
I wish I could start my life over again. So I could fast forward and rewind at times. I coudl definately tell you there are a few things I would do differently. But no regrets. Never regeret something that once made you smile.
I think I'm over the whole "positive outlook thing"
Life is shit.
Get used to it. I have to.
sorry to waste your time.